[b]ハットちゃん "Hat-chan"[/b] "[color=3f00ff]Choosing to hand out memos would be a waste of a lotta ink too,[/color]" she agreed, retrieving the flier that she had pocketed mere moments before. Engaging with the students at the gate was the best way to ensure that as many of them would know about the assembly as possible, but printing out the memos was pretty weird. She had initially thought that they may have been something more, but they were disappointingly lacking in Academy City's idiosyncrasies. Unless the idiosyncrasy was in making the effort to print so many fliers for so little gain. The teenaged girl known only to her compatriots by the moniker of "Hat-chan" glanced down at the paper in her hands, casually studying its shape with her golden eyes. If she were to assume that one A4 sheet of paper would give five of the fliers, and that it cost around ten yen per print ... She did the mental calculations. With nine hundred students that would need to acquire a flier ... Wasting a hundred and eighty-ten on these fliers was wasting money that could be spent on buying some merchandise.