[color=a187be][u][b]Shinjiro Karasawa[/b][/u][/color] [color=a187be]"Yeah, and I'll bet they'll try and tell us they can't print out enough tests for us to write on 'em."[/color] he grumbled, both agreeing with her and extrapolating upon the statement. Seriously, screw schools that tried to pull that. How was a guy supposed to collect some fuckin' thoughts, huh? Absolute shitshow, the kind you'd hope to have only seen in NYC's public schools. He loved the Big Apple, he really did, but compared to Academy City the public schooling system was complete and utter ass. Full of that exact kinda misallocation of resources. Why in the hell would you even have a school if you were gonna be shitty about it? Made no goddamn sense, and he didn't even like school.