There were many things Abigale knew that she shouldn't be risky in. This was probably one of them. But she couldn't help her own curiosity, and so when there was no one there to hear her, Abigale started forwards towards the tomato plants. At the very least if something hadn't happened there she could see the tomato's close, and dream of a sandwich with one. Or just a whole tomato by itself. God, she never thought she'd be so deserpate for one, and had to wonder if there was a time when she had despised them. Had she just been...picky? She thought on that as she walked, getting lost in her own thoughts, Abigale closed the distance to the tomato plants. It soon became clear that the area was blocked off, and Abigale's heart sank. Looks like they wouldn't be having tomato anything. It seemed like a sinking hope, that they'd ever grow anything edible. That wouldn't, of course, kill them. Saddened by that notion, Abigale wondered if she would end up dying slowly of starvations, perhaps the last person alive with her healing abilities. It was a daunting thought, and Abigale paused a moment, wondering if she had signed her death coming here. She drew in a slow breath, and then let it out, weary of the heavy thoughts that she just couldn't seem to banish. Perhaps if there was a little bit of hope... Abigale continued forward, staring at the plants with grief. So beautiful. And apparently so deadly. Abigale shifted, taking out some gloves, she put them on, and crouched the take a sample of the dirt. Often, in medical investigations, you had to test a lot of things, to limit the cause of illness, or death. She slipped the sample in her bag, and continued on her way, knowing that there were probably others who could do the testing, yet in something serious like this, Abigale wanted her own results. Seeing the body, Abigale gave a sigh, and she didn't need to be a cop to know the murder weapon was the tomato. She glanced about to see if anyone had noticed her approach, or if there was anyone around who had been watching her. Perhaps she should have done that first, but she had let herself get distracted by the puzzle. She flushed at herself, and cleared her throat.