[color=skyblue][b][u]Ryu Wakamatsu[/u][/b][/color] Ryu's head throbbed - eyes threatening to close as he walked down the street to Kichijoji Academy. The stake-out last night proved to be fruitless as the criminal did not show himself. The kidnapper wanted a million yen ransom for a young girl, the daughter of a big shot CEO, and the kidnapper told the Anti-Skill to bring the money and he'll bring the child. No harm shall be done to the child if they don't attack. He was willing to aid the Anti-Skill when his father alerted him of what was happening, and he happily accepted the job. Nothing had happened. The kidnapper never came and the child was never found. Anti-Skill and Judgement alike were dispatched to search for the criminal's hideout. Another group had successfully found it and quickly incapacitated the kidnapper and retrieved the girl. What time did that happen? [i]Five a.m.[/i] He could only get an hour of sleep in before he had to wake up for school this time. And thus his zombie-like state. Good thing his house was really close to the Academy so he didn't need to worry about being late with only an hour of preparation. He yawned again. This was bad. He would fall asleep on class if this continues on. He even almost ignored Yuki as he passed the teacher, but it was a good thing that he snapped out of it and then took the flyer and bowed his head at the teacher before heading in. An assembly? Great. It was almost assured that he would fall asleep there. Hopefully it won't be anything too important. It would give him precious sleeping ti- He was snapped out of his thoughts way too quickly and his sleep just quickly exited him as the shockwave Mi released sailed in front of him. His hair stood on end as he stumbled back, now more aware of his surroundings than earlier this morning. He could feel his heart thumping against his chest. What the heck? Only a few people use their powers so freely. His eyes locked onto Mi's downed figure, and she would certainly see him. Approaching her with quick strides, he said, [color=skyblue]"I don't think you should expel energy like that when you're in a.. er, crowded area."[/color] It was an attempt to say that she actually should avoid using her powers so carelessly like that. If she were to harm someone accidentally, then that would be bad. [@The ghost in black]