[@BurningCold] Myself and Leos are still discussing some things to do with the style, but we've agreed that combat will be independently written to an extent - dice rolls will come into it, but we'll let you know as soon as we've fully decided. I can say for definite that you don't have to worry about your character's dying. Dice rolls will probably be to do with injuries, loot, and number/difficulty of the enemy the group or individual is facing. We'll just be doing this to avoid too much GM control in the battles (and make it less biased for our own characters, of course), and to make sure nothing unlikely happens. E.G. Somebody finds an old chest with an easy lock in a cave somewhere, and inside is a full set of ebony armour. Once we've got the details hashed out, there'll be a section put in the OOC for everyone to look at.