[b]ハットちゃん "Hat-chan"[/b] "[color=3f00ff]Don't worry,[/color]" said the teenaged girl known only to her compatriots by the moniker of "Hat-chan" reassuringly, her light and casual tone clearly contrasting the grumbling of her fellow student, "[color=3f00ff]Kichijoji is highly research-oriented. There will most definitely still be paper.[/color]" There would be no meaning to the learning institute's existence if the staff were unable to properly record the power development of the students. As long as they needed to do such, then there would definitely be paper and ink left for them to use. High schools were built on paper and constant homework, or at least that was what her television shows had informed her of (as well as irate, complaining customers). She herself had already personally experienced a fraction of the supposed deluge of assignments already, although she was admittedly disappointed in its failure to live up to her expectations. Still, it was early days yet, and maybe things would change further along in the future.