JINX Jinx paddled across the bay till she reached an old abandoned dock near a construction site. She stopped traffic without trying as she walked across the road from the construction site. She punched in her entry code at the gate of a You Store It facility and then walked to her 30x20 storage room and unlocked the door an then carried her surf ski inside past her Mercedes and hung it on the wall. Her storage also being a connected Mini office Jinx unlocked the door to her office after lowering the garage door to her storage In side was a huge Edward style Wardrobe which held some of her clothing from which she selected a roadrasher body suit made in turquoise and flaming pink. Under it she wore an Mediterranean blue an Canary yellow spandex exercise set. She headed out of her office after sealing up and two rows over then opened another door to 10x20 storage room in which sat Shelby & Rucker Hypo Motorcycle. With a light weight S&S X-Wedge 128 c.i.d. engine with closed loop VFI fuel injection that churns out a healthy 150 bhp it is a street beast. [IMG]http://prostreetblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/02/bigshelby1.jpg[/IMG] Jinx climbed aboard and cranked the machine and enjoyed it's warm-up as she backed it out of it's garage. She locked the storage room door and after passing through the gate was soon rolling down the highway enjoying the throbing power of the custom built machine. She loved the feel of instant power she got from her barely tamed monster's throttle as much as the lustful stares and curious looks she and her machine gathered. When she felt the time was right she pulled back on the gas and felt the G-Force increase as she accelerated down the road only throttled back after she reached 175 mph. She slowed to 75 as she headed down the coast line with no real destination in mind but needed something to occupy her mind an time till she figured out her next move.