[color=f7941d]“Ahhh...”[/color] Chalsea made a slightly startled and puzzled sound as the queen brought the ideas of having someone special. It was not that the nomad didn't want to, but she never really got to meet the right person. She naturally had lovers both men and women through the years, but nothing serious beyond a meeting or two after she and her men would save a city or village. She also had this really strict rule to not get involved with people from her warband. That never ended well, she had done it once and ended with having to kill the man. Not that she loved him or anything, they just had mutually benefiting sexual relationship to relieve stress. He tried to push his weight around the command of the warband with their relationship as excuse. After an argument that ended with a duel to the death...[color=f7941d][i]' Yep... better not having relationships with a warband member!'[/i][/color] She reminded herself once more. [color=f7941d]“I guess it's been almost an year now since I last had someone like that for even a little while.”[/color] She eventually admitted with a sigh and looked at the queen. She was a beautiful woman and Chalsea found it harder and harder to not find herself attracted to her. Especially after this talk about partners. The mercenary wondered if she should mention her attraction towards her, but decided it was best to not do that. After all she had just destroyed their evening walk plans. The nomad still was angry at herself for that failure on her part and the missed basically date with Adalia. [color=f7941d]“Well true, but even during battles requiring logistics, tactics and precise orders of the men, it's still fun. You know the feeling of adrenaline surge through the body, the high caused by everything during a battle. The ability to allow one's self to focus entirely on the fights and all. I guess I am a little of a fighting addict, but can't help it. Still I do suppose I should find me a companion even for a time at least.”[/color] She added with a sigh and looked about the place before looking up.[color=f7941d]” After we are done training your men, I will be bringing my warband to the orc territories.”[/color] She said and nervously started playing with a lock of her golden hair.[color=f7941d]” I need to find out why they are so active again and preferably destroy the threat before it escalates beyond control.”[/color] She explained. [color=f7941d]“I will give it a test when I get to my room later.”[/color] She replied with a smile, throwing a look at the purple ring on her finger. It was unusual for it to react like that. So far she had used it with other magical items, but it never reacted like this before. It was usually only barriers it gave such negative reactions with. She was actually a little unsure of taking it off. Her father made her swear never to do it, but she wanted to also try this glove. Besides in the middle of a heavily walled city right after they threw the enemy army in full retreat there wasn't really much danger.[color=f7941d][i]' I will do it for a few minutes. Nothing bad would happen.'[/i][/color] She though with a smile, happy that she received something from Adalia. She hoped that tomorrow she could show the queen her thoughts about the glove and preferably a good opinion about it! After that Chalsea continued her walk with Adalia to her mansion. The nomad felt this almost like a end of a date or something where she escorts her partner to their home. This though it felt differnet from the other times. This one felt nice and she felt herself smiling the entire way to Adalia's home as they walked and simple talked. She enjoyed spending her time talking with the queen. She was a good nice person. Finally when they were at Adalia's mansion, Chalsea felt herself feeling a pint of regret that their time together for the night ended, but she knew that they would meet tomorrow again and have more chances to talk, so she didn't let herself feel completely down about it. Chalsea then nodded at Rose as she met them inside the mansion. The nomad barely rememebred the woman, she thought she saw her during the ceremony earlier. So she was living here now? She smiled at her as the woman made her way towards whatever she was going to do now. [color=f7941d]“I see, she does look like a good person.”[/color] The nomad said with a smile and looked at the queen.[color=f7941d]” You really have a huge and kind heart, you know.”[/color] She added and made a brief courtesy as she lightly bowed to the queen.[color=f7941d]” Thank you for the night even though it didn't go as we planned.”[/color] Chalsea said with a smile.[color=f7941d]” Have a good night, Adalia.”[/color] She wished her as the other woman went her way. Finally she was alone again as she started to walk her way back to the housing of her warband. The city was queit and even then she felt no danger while walking about the empty streets. It was completely different from many other cities she had visited in the past. This was peaceful place, ruled by a fair queen and it's citizens were obviously nice people too. It didn't take the nomad long before she finally reached the building and enter her room. The housing was also quiet as all her men were taking their deserved rest after the long days of travel and battles. For her surprise Chalsea found the two witches sleeping in her bed. She smiled and shook her head pleasant surprise. They always did that, claiming it calmed them when they were with their big sister. She sighed and walked over to the nearby table, where she placed the glove first then quickly took of her dress. Then pulling a small leather ribbon, she tied her long blond hair in a tail so it doesn't get too messy while she sleeps. Finally she carefully slipping her ring of her finger and took the glove once more, putting it on. At first she felt nothing and she looked about the place, but didn't really notice any difference. Finally she shrugged and decided she might as well sleep with the glove and maybe it's effects would trigger in the meantime. With that she quickly walked over to the bed, laid down and extended and arm to hug the two witches. It felt nice having siblings.