Jason nodded as vedika spoke. When they entered the room Jason could feel his guy slightly tighten, the atmosphere was tense. Ashleigh's cheeks were flushed a bright red, her body language read slightly embarrassed. But her gaze was sharp and unwavering. She was face to face with a startled Liam. Part of him wanted to defuse the situation, however he wasn't cognizant of the context so he decided to keep his mouth shut on the matter. [color=39b54a]"Sorry we didn't hear the announcement in the infirmary, what did we miss?" [/color] Jason asked. His gaze shifted to allister, who appeared to be fine for the most part. Jason felt partly guilty about the situation. He hadn't held back in the sparring, which had pushed Allister to the edge as well. He thought that was most likely the cause for Allisters issue that Ashleigh had to alleviate.