[center][h2]Mi Alcanta[/h2][/center] [center] Mi looked up into the air and noticed that the shockwave was a bit low but she didn't care since it had stopped the collar from beeping too much. She gave a sigh of relief but it was cut short by a boy rushing up to her to no doubt scold her about using her abilities in a public area. She cocked her head to the side as he began speaking and had to wait as the Collar sent a translation straight to her brain. "Huh, I was right about the scolding part wasn't I?" she said out loud to nobody in particular. Mi stood to her full height of 5'10" and smiled at the height difference there was between the boy, which the Collar identified as Ryu Wakamatsu, and herself. She stretched and her back popped before holding out a friendly hand in a hope of no hurt feelings. "Sorry, I just needed to get rid of the extra energy, this stupid thing wont stop beeping and alerting until I do.... plus it wouldn't kill anyone" she said and with her other hand pulled the collar of her shirt down to show the device around her neck. [@Polaris North][/center]