[hider=Meet the Medic (Nova)] [b]Hero Name:[/b] N/A [b]Real Name:[/b] Vivian Bishop [b]Look:[/b] Woman, White, Normal Skin, Formal Clothing, No Costume [b]Ability:[/b] Biokinesis [b]Burn[/b] When you charge up your powers, roll + conditions you currently have marked. On a hit, hold 3 burn. On a 7-9, mark a condition. On a miss, hold 2 burn and mark three conditions. Spend your burn on your flares. You lose all burn at the end of the scene.[list][*][i]Boost[/i] Spend 1 burn to supercharge a teammate’s efforts with your powers, giving them a +1 bonus to their roll as if you had spent Team from the pool. [*][i]Constructs[/i] Spend 1 burn to create any object with your powers, up to the size of a person. Spend an additional burn to animate it independently of yourself. The construct dissolves at the end of the scene. [*][i]Elemental Awareness[/i] Spend 1 burn and mark a condition to open your mind up to the world around you with your powers. You can ask any one question about the world around you, and the GM will answer honestly. [*][i]Moat[/i] Spend 1 burn to create a barrier that will hold back threats as long as you keep your attention on it. The GM may call for you to spend another burn if the barrier is threatened by particularly powerful enemies. [/list] [b]Team Moves[/b][list][*]When you share a triumphant celebration with someone, ask them if there is any fear in their eyes when they look at you. If they say no, take +1 forward and mark potential. If they say yes, immediately shift your Danger up and Savior down. [*]When you share a vulnerability or weakness with someone, tell them how they could stop you, if it came down to it. Give them Influence over you and clear a condition.[/list][b]Other Moves[/b] [b]Potential[/b] o o o o o [b]Advancements[/b] [b]Labels[/b] Danger: +1 Freak: +2 Savior: 0 Superior: 0 Mundane: 0 [b]Conditions[/b] [b]Backstory[/b][list][*][u]When did you first use your powers?[/u] "I was seven when my powers budded. We... We had a cat, you see. [i]Had[/i] a cat, because it wasn't much of a cat when I got done with it. Poor Minette..." [*][u]Who was the first person you accidentally hurt with your powers?[/u] "Minette doesn’t count, huh? Christ. Well, the first person I hurt with my powers was this kid in my grade seven class. A real bully, that one. She’d always pick on this mousy little thing whose family was a bit down on their luck. So I just wanted her to stop picking on this kid, you know? Unfortunately, I ended up stopping a bit more than just that. Ended up sending her to the hospital, and would’ve killed her - permanently, I mean - if I hadn’t managed to restart the essential functions in time. Had to skip town after that stunt, obviously - couldn’t bear to face anyone there. So Mom and I, we moved out of Deer Lake, and went to America to move in with Dad in Halcyon City." [*][u]Who, outside the team, helps you control your powers?[/u] "Dad - you've probably heard of him, he's this big shot surgeon - and the entire host of Guardian medical staff with him. I'm usually in that medbay with them day in and day out, one patient after the other. Yeah, it's good practice; it refines my skills, keeps me from getting complacent, so on and so forth. But doing it nonstop can get tiring, and... the little mistakes can add up. So it's good to have a second set of eyes fixing my mistakes, keeping me from burning out, and making sure I take all my breaks." [*][u]Why do you continue to use your powers?[/u] "Because in this line of business, people do stupid things, and they get hurt. They get hurt [i]a lot[/i], and if they have to come to me - or worse, I have to come to them - then they're usually hurting real freakin' badly. It's thankless. It's messy. It makes me sick to my stomach. And sometimes, I don't do it right. But even if I stay at home in blissful ignorance, [i]someone [/i]has to do it. I’m leagues better than any civvie medic, and since I'm the best for fit the job, it might as well be me." [*][u]Why do you care about the team?[/u] "Look, it's no secret that I don't wanna be a cape; even on good days, I kind of hate my job and how gross my power can be, especially when they - The Guardians - want me to use it to subdue villains. So if I [i]don’t[/i] care about these people, then there’s no point to all the trouble I'm going through. Besides, there's worse folks out there, and it’s good to have coworkers my age for once.” [/list] [b]Relationships[/b] [list][*]You hang out all the time with __________________ to blow off steam. [*]You once hurt ________________ when you lost control of your powers. [/list] [b]Influence[/b] Happy facade, give Influence to three teammates. [list][*] [*] [*] [/list] [/hider]