Hello everyone, I have a few ideas I'd like to explore in a 1x1 or 1x1x1 roleplay (posted below). I'm 21 F, able to play both M and F characters as well as genderless android type characters. I can roleplay romance but only if there is chemistry between the characters in play (it doesn't matter the sexual orientation, what happens happens - as long as there's spark!) I prefer in-depth character development, long para roleplays. I also like being able to OOC chat with my roleplaying partners. If any of this tickles your pickle, drop me a PM and we can start brainstorming a story :) I have a couple of scenarios listed on my biography, so feel free to check them out if the title grabbed your attention. Right now I'm pretty interested in sci-fi and crime. I have plenty of other interests too, so don't hesitate to reach out if they don't suit you. Other genres I'm interested include tabletop, fantasy (but not so rule and lore heavy to the extent I need a PhD to understand what spell it is you're casting), horror, thriller, angst and adventure. I'm not really interested in anime, historical rp or steampunk. I also prefer OC and original universe content.