[@Thecrash20] I know people who play CoD who aren't mouthy preteens, even if I've heard many stories of those types as well. I wasn't stereotyping the players, and neither was my fiancé. All that's been expressed is a distaste for the franchise on both of our parts, and nothing more. I'm not a fan of FPS games period, to be honest with you. The exact same applies to Warhammer -- I like badasses having their badass battles, but that setting doesn't interest me at all [i]personally[/i]. There shouldn't be a problem with that. I'm a writer [i]before[/i] a role-player, so I have more appreciation for the details in a narrative than all the politics that seems to pop up whenever role-players don't agree on something. There's very good reasons why I'm against being a part of website communities, and those reasons could make me decide to leave this site at any given moment as well. On the subject of Pariah - which is what each of my posts has been primary focused on, outside of idle talk, for anyone who thinks I'm trying to change the subject - if you actually enjoy the lore of video games then you shouldn't have complaints about someone wanting to flesh out that sort of lore for a role-play, especially one which is based largely off of video games or anime inspired by them. Anyway, you all enjoy yourselves. I've got stuff to do.