[center][h1][color=Silver]Aelar[/color] [color=8C92AC]Thainar[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] After seeing all the bandits drop dead and then that their wounds were healed, the two half-elves exchanged a glance before splitting up. Aelar headed towards Maren and Elyra as he thought about what just happened. It seemed that someone was behind the scenes both guiding and protecting them. As he walked up he was relieved to see that they were visibly ok. Walking up to Maren he put his arms around her saying,[color=silver]"Are you ok? I was so worried..."[/color] Thainar headed towards the rest of the group noticing everyone seemed to be all right aside from some people being unconscious. He noticed Vladimir and Elise were among the people who had been caught in the encirclement. Seeing that there wasn't much he could do to help, he began to inspect his weapon and armor while looking out for more attackers. [hr] [hr] [@Wick][@DustyOldCrow][@Caits][@Ashevelendar][@Kyrisse][@Blackpanther][@dabombjk][@Gareth][@canaryrose][@King Tai][@Shadow Daedalus]