[color=skyblue][b][u]Ryu Wakamatsu[/u][/b][/color] Ryu heard her say something, but it didn't look like it was directed to him... or anyone at all. When she stood up, that was the only time he noticed that she was taller than him by a few inches. Such a tall girl. Then again, she doesn't seem Japanese. Her accent seemed thick too. However the universal sign of, shaking hands in hopes that there are no hard feelings, was presented. Ryu offered a small smile and then shook her hand. [color=skyblue]"But it might hurt them. But I guess it should be fine if you really needed it."[/color] He said as his hand hung at his side once more. His eyes trailed to collar, curiosity getting the best of him. It was a piece of technology he was not familiar with - and he has certainly seen a lot of tech here at Academy City. [color=skyblue]"What is it for?"[/color] Alright, while it was obvious it was for regulation, as she pointed out before, there has to be something else besides that. Or a more accurate explanation. His hand slipped into his pocket as he shifted his weight to his other leg. While he had seen her around, they never got around to talking. They were classmates but Ryu tended to stick to people he knew. But he at least should've remembered her name. Mi... Mi... Alcanta? Something like that. She hadn't written it in Japanese characters so he had to decipher it from English. Sad to say that English words don't stick to his mind easily. While he could read and understand, it's more like he doesn't remember it when it's only presented once. [@The ghost in black]