[hider=Repens] [center][img]http://65.media.tumblr.com/4cd4f97dc51db2cbecccae6cce27aab2/tumblr_nrlkjuF76V1t6y2mpo1_1280.jpg[/img][/center] Name: Repens God of the reviled, patron of theives, lord of darkness. Appearance: He takes on the form of an unnaturally tall cloaked man. With a ebony mask where his face should be. Domains: Monsters, Insects, Darkness, Deceit. Realm: A seemingly infinite maze of caves that connect to the deepest caverns in the mortal realm. They can have caverns as big as stadiums or passages you can barely fit threw. Inside the dark is suffocating and Repens experiments roam searching for sustenance. If a mortal could by some miracle make it to the center of the maze to Repens lab he would grant them whatever they want, be it knowledge of his children or a creature they want created. Personality: He treats his siblings with neutrality, neither with contempt nor with joy. He will consult with them if he needs help with a problem. But if he thinks himself slighted he will hold a grudge for a long time. Repens loves to experiment with life and hates that his creations are deemed monsters. Demeanor: When his presence is felt mortals tend to feel paranoid. They will resort to lying easily, and will feel generally uneasy. As if some unknown beast is stalking them. Favored subjects:Insects, "monsters", theives(though that one depends on the motives of the thief).[/hider]