[@Holy Soldier] Name: Richard Arachnidae Nickname: Spinner or Rick Age: 27 Race: Decendant of Arachnae Height: 5ft. 4in. Weight: 135 lbs Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Black Description: Richard is a fair skinned young man with an average face, the kind you would lose in a crowd if not for his six eyes. His main eyes are his largest and they sit in the normal position on his face, but about an inch above each eye is a smaller one, and the last set of eyes are closer together and about an inch above the middle set. Normally he covers the top two sets of eyes with a bandana to blend in easily. He is a natural bald and is unable to grow facial hair which gives him a more professional look. His arms and legs are covered with short thick brown hair. On the topic of legs, Richard has four spiderlike appendages growing out of his back with three main joints and hooked feet. The only way to hide them is folding them up against his back inside a trench coat. Personality: Richard is normally a quiet man who prefers to stay in the back and people watch, but the moment a topic comes up that he is interested in he can become very social. He is a pacifist by nature and will always prefer to settle differences with words rather than violence. Unlike others of his kind he despises being isolated, those who worked with him would even call him clingy. Background: (working on it) Weapons: Taser, pepper spray, and a 9mm semi auto Ruger that has never been fired outside of the shooting range. Skills: Investigation - Richard is fairly good at finding clues at crime scenes and piecing them together. Research - Richard's ability to speed read and his skill with searching files and databases means it takes him little time to find the information he is looking for. Chemistry - Richard loves experimenting, expecially with chemicals. He knows how to make antivenom and antidotes to poisons. Level head - So long as he isn't on the barrel end of a gun, or completely surrounded by people that want him dead. Powers: Webs - As Richard is part spider, he has the ability to spin spider silk using spinnerettes that are at the back of his mouth. He can make two types of silk, the first is hair thin and extremely sticky but easy to break. The second is fairly thick and strong enough to hold up to two hundred pounds on a single strand. So far he has never been able to run out of the thin sticky silk but he can only make up to about ten feet if the stronger silk at a time. It takes a few hours for his body to produce more. Pheromones - Richard constantly produces pheromones that make normal spiders friendly to him. Venom - Richard's canines are fairly sharp with tiny holes in them that excrete a mild neurotoxin. The neurotoxin causes slight loss in motor control, making the person feel sluggish. The toxin is non lethal and wears off after half an hour. Spider legs - When Richard's two spider legs are out, he can scale flat walls with ease and grip onto things that his hands normally could not. He has full control over the legs as he has had them since birth. Just like any other muscle, they have to be exercised to stay in shape, even though they have a hard exoskeleton. Just like spider's legs, there is a tube filled with fluid that runs through them that expands and contracts to move the legs.