[hr] [center][h2]Diver's Paradise, Eastern Entrance[/h2][/center] [@Jensoman][@LokiLeo789] [hr] Luke grunted at Jenso's commentary, and glared at Len. "I appreciate what ya did Jenso, but you're meddlin' in affairs ya don't understand. Besides, nothin's for sure yet. But while I'm here, I may as well satisfy a curiosity o' mine," Luke suddenly stepped towards Len and sized him up with a quick once over. Although Luke was big, he didn't quite match up to the titanic Len. Looking up to people wasn't uncommon, as Luke wasn't actually that [i]tall,[/i] but it never bothered him. Muscles were muscles, after all, and Luke had strength where it counted! "Len! I figured you were a buddy o' Jenso, but I 'aint so sure about that no more. Still, I guess there's no harm in it- whattaya make of all this chaos? You lookin' forward to a war? Ya think there's any reasonin' with that dirt bag [i]Duvell[/i] after what he's done? Or, is uprooting his corrupt little ass from the CMAS counsel lookin' to be a really attractive option to ya?" Luke inquired, tilting his head along with his statements. Luke turned back and glanced at Jenso momentarily before returning his focus to Len. Brian shuddered at the thought of hearing Len's own take on the prospect of war. The man seemed awfully stoic for one so curious. It bothered him to no end. But despite his demeanor, the hulking bronzed warrior didn't seem to harbor any evil intent. Luke waited patiently for a response from Len, whatever it may have been. Truth be told, Luke himself wasn't keen on the idea of going to war with the CMAS just to take Sydney down, but with so few options, and the diver's way of life on the line, what else could he do? His preparations were well under way, at any rate. All Luke had to do was give the word when everything was in place, and a war could be set into motion.