[hr][hr][center][h2][color=00ffbb]Lawrence B. Ellison[/color][/h2] [img]http://i67.tinypic.com/zkl46a.png[/img] An Apartment Somewhere on Campus. Population: Lawrence[/center][hr][hr] "[color=f7976a]♪ Well I wake up in the morning at 11:47 and I can't believe I have to face the horror of another fucking day. ♪[/color]" Before the song could go any further Lawrence's hand silenced the alarm with no small amount of annoyance. 11:47? He wished. No, right now it was the glorious time of 2:45. The rest of the song was accurate at least, and with a long sigh he dragged himself out of bed and over to his dresser. Today would probably be the last day he could walk around his apartment in his underwear, and he lamented that for a moment before shaking himself awake and getting dressed for the day. A long sleeve button up, his usual choice of shirt, covered up a myriad of tattoos adorning his body. As numerous as they were absurd, usually. He didn't bother to adjust the cuffs or collar before slipping on his usual pair of dark jeans and making his way to the kitchen. He wanted to be at least a little awake when his new roommates arrived to rest up before orientation. After setting about brewing his usual cup of morning lifeblood, Lawrence made his way over to his jacket, hanging up by the door, and slipped it on to complete his day-to-day outfit. Almost unconsciously he patted it's pocket to make sure his copy of [i]Meditations[/i] was where he left it, before making his way to the kitchen once more to finish his morning routine. He was just about to raise his mug of black gold to his lips when a hard knocking broke through his morning haze. The door? There was no way the new arrivals had been assigned rooms yet. Upon opening it, after several annoying moments of intense knocking, he was greeted by two guards with [i]very[/i] serious expressions on their faces. Although that was nothing new. Was he finally going to find out why they had been keeping an eye on him as of late? Uncertainty began to heighten his heart rate, but he quelled it quickly. [color=00ffbb][i]Knowing and not knowing the reason doesn't change it, relax.[/i][/color] Before he could ask though, one of the two spoke first: "[color=f7976a]You're to come with us and greet the new arrivals.[/color]" [i][color=00ffbb]Greet the...?[/color][/i] Ah, his power. It made a certain amount of sense, even though it did throw off his plans for the day. Still, he knew better than to argue with the guards, and considering the circumstances, that probably meant this was a direct order from the director herself. Seeing no use in arguing with a mountain, he slipped his shoes on and began to make his way out the door. His journey was cut short immediately though by a hand on each shoulder. Both guards were giving him hard stares, more specifically the mug in his hand. They stood like that for a moment, before Lawrence sighed. "[color=00ffbb]Look guys, can't I at least take my coffee? My power relies on my mood, if I miss my morning coffee all I'm going to be doing is making those volatile pissed off bags of superpowers even more volatile and pissed off. I'm sure the director would care more about that than me holding a mug in my hand.[/color]" The guards looked at each other for a moment, weighing their options. Which [i]would[/i] the director be more pissed off at? A battlefield of nonverbal communications occurred between those two sets of eyes, before they both shrugged and took their hands off his shoulders. Relieved at his own success, he took a sip of that life saving liquid and followed behind the two. [hr][hr][center][i][h2]The Doc, The Bipolar, Their Warden, and Her Prisoners[/h2][/i] [@dragonmancer][/center][hr][hr] When he came in sight of the new arrivals, memories flooded back to him from one year ago. Unpleasant memories. He too was treated the same as them, even though he willingly surrendered himself to USARILN East. It was, of course, a smart precaution, but he had resented it all the same. The collars, the threats, the [i]guns pointed at him[/i]. Which he noted with irritation seemed to be the case once more. Naturally, the possibility of being shot and killed if one of these loose cannons decided to try their chances worried him, but he quelled it as much as possible. He needed to be calm so that he could calm them, it was the [i]only[/i] thing he could do to help himself not catch any stray bullets today. Of course, he didn't recognize any of the gathered faces, aside from two. One was Lilianna Brandt, a surprise he quickly got over. She, of course, hadn't been properly oriented yet either, although he couldn't possibly imagine her learning anything new about the Institution from this. More likely than not, it was just to normalize her to the people who she'd probably be closest to during her stay here. Students who arrived at the same time tended to band together more than students that arrived in different years, regardless of their age differences. The second face was of course that of the director. She didn't [i]scare[/i] him in the sense that he was terrified she'd go berserk and murder him or that he had nightmares about the woman. He would be lying if he said she wasn't a wholly intimidating presence though. He knew part of that image at least had to be manufactured, but the most time he had ever spent with the woman was during [i]his[/i] orientation. So he wasn't in any position to judge for sure, and quite frankly he didn't ever want to be in that position. If she wanted nothing to do with him then the rest of his life would be all the smoother. Almost out of nervousness, he sipped his coffee as one of the arrivals spoke up, full of defiance. Unsure if the question was directed at him or the director, he glanced her way. Her eyes met his. After a slight pause, he decided it best that he be the one to answer. They would probably trust his answer more than hers on this one, considering their roles. "[color=00ffbb]Well the chains are more of a safety measure- for you.[/color]" He sipped his coffee once more as if choosing his next words carefully. He wanted to start with something that would potentially make him angry, eyeing the Aberrations for ones looked to start a fight first. He had to pick the targets for his power carefully. "[color=00ffbb]Yeah, it sounds like the stupid sort of obvious lie you'd hear from a movie villain, but it's true in a sense. If you try to fight back, you will be killed, and until that was made perfectly clear to you guys it would almost be unfair to give you the opportunity to do so at all. Once we're finished with the orientation and you really understand the consequences of your actions, your freedoms will expand considerably, so please try to be patient for a bit. I know it sucks, I was in the same spot a year ago.[/color]" He paused to let his words sink in, before taking another sip- longer this time- and continuing. "[color=00ffbb]But, now as you can see I'm here, so it does get better. I'd say you get about as much freedom as your average boarding school student, which isn't too terrible compared to, say, a life in chains. As long as you follow the rules then USARILN East won't really care what you get up to in your free time. You'll even get some spending money every month and be able to walk around town.[/color]" He glanced to the director once more, more specifically the gun in her hand, before ending with: "[color=00ffbb]Of course, the difference is breaking those rules comes with much, much, much harsher consequences. So, yeah, it's a mixed bag. It's better you understand that as quickly as possible though.[/color]" With that he fell quiet, his free hand drifting into his pocket to clutch his copy of [i]Meditations[/i]. During his orientation not everyone was... able to control themselves. He was thankful that nobody died who didn't have it coming that day, but that didn't mean he would be so lucky twice. Being hit by a stray bullet was [i]not[/i] on his to-do list. It took a lot to piss him off these days but that would take the cake.