[color=a187be][u][b]Shinjiro Karasawa[/b][/u] "Yeah, they all [i]say[/i] that,"[/color] he fired back through the styrofoam of his cup. [color=a187be]"Right up until they decide to cut back funding to the District because someone smelled like ass in front of one of the higher ups." [/color] He was quite obviously spitwadding. They both knew full-well that Hat-chan was right, but it wouldn't do to leave such a sentiment unvented after brewing for so long. It'd turn into god-knew-what by the time the assembly rolled around. And hey, he wasn't always wrong about that sort of thing. This was Academy City. Shit's happened before. Speaking of such strangeness— [color=a187be][i]"Karasawa."[/i][/color] he cut in crossly, leveling a flat look at Kaguya, the classroom otaku. Most people should know his name by now, what the hell? Not knowing him personally? Okay, sure, fair play, but he knew that she had heard it multiple times before. And he [i]swore[/i] that if she wasn't already just a nut with her whole '2D people 3D people' uber-delusional otaku schtick, he'd think she was trying to screw with him. But at this point he was only half-and-half on it, so no confrontations yet. [color=a187be]"Just wondering what the hell the point of this flyer was."[/color] he replied more evenly, fishing the crumpled piece of paper back from his pocket. [color=a187be]"It'd make a lot more sense just to tell us about it in class."[/color]