[h1]First Day Of Term At Kosei Academy: Tori Masui [/h1] Tori shifted the weight from her gym bag from one shoulder to the next, looking at the school as she entered through the doors, trying to drink in every little detail. The gate was new, much newer than the posts it stood on, and she knew that the school was only on its third year of students, before it had been owned by some wealthy Australian mining tycoon who had finally let the property go; it’s unusually large grounds and expansive rooms for the space-starved country that is Japan proving to be perfect for the school, although apparently it needed lots of renovations to make it suitable. Her heart was pounding, although weather it was from the sensation of going to this school or due to the music pounding through her headphones, she wasn’t sure. She rubbed a spare hand across her chest, where just a week ago she had gotten a fresh tattoo, and once again shifted the gym bag; her wings getting in the way of it comfortably lying against her back. Her suitcase rattled along beside her, the hard plastic carrying her biker helmet and leather jumpsuit that consisted of her makeshift costume, as well as everything else she couldn’t fit in her gym bag. In front and behind, students streamed into the school, all carrying similar large bags, some escorted by parents, most of them not. When she reached the reception, they were held up, before being handed out sheets of paper; maps, she realised, for the school and the dormitories. It looked as if the entire building was in a gigantic ‘U’ shape, with the grounds stretching out in the gap and past the top of the U. The right hand ‘arm’ of the building, she saw, was the dorms. Boys had the front half, girls the back half, and what with the entire building having three storeys each, it meant that every student could be comfortably accommodated for, although she realised that the toilets and showers were communal. That was… Slightly awkward, although she supposed that heroes would have to deal with a lot worse than showering with others of the same age bracket when actually hero-ing. Along with the rest of the students, she shuffled and bumped her way through the crowd, until she finally reached her dorm. Class A-4, Female. She pushed the door open and looked around the room, being the first to get there. The first thought she had was how big the room was: it was easily as long as the entire circumference of her old apartment, although it was pretty narrow. Sets of bunks were set up against one wall, with each bunk corresponding to a wardrobe on the opposite side of the wall. She opened the wardrobe and was pleasantly surprised to find that there was a divider splitting the middle, no bitching over everyone’s stuff getting muddled up. She also, however, noticed that some of the beds and wardrobes had specialist modifications to them, basically solidifying who would have to sleep with whom. She saw a bed with extra reinforcements and almost immediately knew it was for her; for some reason everyone dramatically over-estimated the amount her wings weighed, and always over-compensated for that. On the bright side, they had been smart enough to leave the top bunk for her, probably recognising that she would need the room to stretch her wings out for a more natural sleep. The plaque next to the bunk read: Top Bunk: Tori Masui (Reinforced) Bottom Bunk: Ami Eindecker (Heated) [@RumikoOhara] Eindecker? So, she would be sharing with someone not from Japan. That was interesting. She wondered why the bunk would need to be heated, before deciding to simply wait; she would get the information soon enough, if and when the girl herself walked in through the door. Because of this, and also partially to learn who she would be sleeping with, she had a look at the other bunks. Top Bunk: Mine Onada (No modification)[@Rune_Alchemist] Bottom Bunk: Margaret Flinkstein (Electromagnetic fibre-weave)[@Sharksama] Flinkstein… She had no fucking clue where that name came from, but the modification was certainly unique. The entire bottom bunk was shrouded in some sort of shimmery black fabric, and it felt almost like she was constantly being shocked by static electricity when she touched it. Top Bunk: Gahana Shoujyo (No modification)[@Pudding] Bottom Bunk: Anneli Kallela (Chemical filter)[@Skepic] Well, there was certainly a good few Japanese students here, which she supposed was a good thing. Why, however, anyone would need a chemical filter on their bunk, she had no clue. Deciding not to read any more plaques, she went and started to unpack, waiting for the first few to stream in. High-moisture air-sealed area: Tula Kealoha [@Pirouette] [hr] Male dorms: Top Bunk: Dante Mathers (No modification)[@Sam12435] Bottom Bunk: Lazarus Zale (No modification)[@Pkken] Top Bunk: Ender Kazetani (Extended railings to prevent falling off)[@Jedly] Bottom Bunk: Kaito Hamasaki (No modification)[@Animal] Top Bunk: Ryu Hadekoto (No modification)[@Cloudystar] Bottom Bunk: Garin von Sturm (Faraday Cage)[@FallenTrinity] Top Bunk: Bottom Bunk: Kyong Kyu Jin [@Alexander]