[@Holy Soldier] Name: Jason Faye Nickname: N/A Age: N/A Race: Warlock Necromancer Height: 5'11 Weight: 180 lbs Hair Color: Dark Brown Eye Color: Blue Description: Pale white skin, messy sheet of hair, and an overall slim build, barely muscular. His lips are small and pale, nose slightly narrowed, chin a bit angular as well with a melancholy and otherwise soft face. He will typical wear his semi formal suit with a short sleeved white shirt and black vest and trousers. Nothing very remarkable for footwear either, just your typical black shoes. Visual: [img]http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=12906285[/img] Personality: [center] [i]"Its one thing to live forever, but to be trapped on this wretched world even in death...Well, you tend stop caring, if not loose your sanity."[/i] -Jason Faye [/center] Jason has long been a rather stoic, melancholy figure from his acceptance of his existence and when he was liberated of the cultist practices. He masks his moody and crushed spirit with light comments, sarcasm, and grim humor. He is easy to talk to on simple matter, and there are few supernatural things in this world that could truly surprise him, but when pressed with more, serious or deeper conversing, he will grow more distant, and try to end the conversation all the while answering questions as vaguely as he can. He doesn't like to be a bother about his pain, and he sees helping humanity from the supernatural and occult is the best way to atone for his crimes as a cultist and to spend his eternity. He can be a bit standoffish and even irritated in dire situations, only taking things seriously if others are endangered, as he is not so much worried by his own well being. He isn't exactly fond of his powers or his curse either, so he has no qualms with the authorities frowning and outlawing his practice. In his judgement, the best way to take away his eternal pain is through drinking and smoking. His past life as an outlaw of the west influences his persona to this day. Sometimes he still even has a similar dialect broken out in sentences. While he does abide to the authorities, he has his own way of dealing with criminal targets, dealing with things his own way whenever he can. Background: Jason Faye was born in 1812, and had his first death at the age of 18, as it was at that time his fellow cultists determined he was ready to loose his humanity. For the next 20 years he worked as a cultist to Hecate before eventually escaping his forced servitude, taking the identity as an outlaw of the west for over half a century to help hide from his past. But his cult in pursuit it was difficult for him to stay and settle in one location, especially when the frontier era was finally ended. When the syndicate became established, Jason approached them in the height of ww2. Explaining his blight, Jason proposed a method to seal his fellow necromancers to ensure that they cannot continue their wicked and sinful practices, also allowing his freedom. While the event of doing so was a very difficult scenario that almost cost the foundation their resources and agents, the necromancers were sealed away with magic imprisonment on eldritch abomination levels of security and power of the sealing. For a while though, Jason went under the radar from the foundation, taking various identities in various cities across the globe. It wasn't until recently when he returned to the organization, offering his service and agreeing to the demands of barring his practice of necromancy in exchange, as well as being forbidden to disappear from the organization's watch. Returning to the world he brought with him a token of his adventures, Fenrir, his trusted partner. Weapon(s): S & W .357 magnum revolver in black; This gun is in supply of silver bullets and the barrel of the revolver is often lightly soaked in a flask of blessed holy water. A Black combat knife with a blade lined with silver and has a pentagram inscribed in the left side of the blade. Skills: Occult investigator: Being a former cultist, Jason knows shady shit when he sees em. He will often have some knowledge on various cults and their basic goals if it is anything more then worshiping their deity. This also expands to eldritch horror-esq worships. Marksman of the Wild West: With his past life being an outlaw, he has grown a good skill of using guns, revolvers in particular. Not only can he make very accurate shots but he can reload his revolver swift and efficiently. Close Quarters Warlock: Aside from his gun, his other primary weapon is his knife, which he has modified to use as a catalyst for certain spells. Being involved in bar fights he can also be quiet brash with cheap shots. Power(s): [h2] [color=39b54a][b]Necromancy[/b][/color][/h2] [indent] Even with his limited knowledge and practice of his own powers, he is forbidden to use them. [/indent] [h2][color=fff200][b]Knife Enchantmen[/b]t[/color][/h2] [indent] He can cast a select few spells with his knife, being the following: -Incendiary blade: The blade of the knife becomes consumed in flames, with the fire reaching an additional 3 feet off of the blade in a straight line in a similar shape to the blade itself, essentially acting as both a fire damage enhancement and melee range extender. -Ward Cutter: The knife's blade becomes shrouded in an ominous purple glow, in this state, the blade can cut through various magic-based assortments such as runes, magic barriers, etc. This can also disarm certain enchantments. -Blessed Divinity: The blade illuminates a golden glow, giving it holy damage. [/indent] [h2]Sealing runes[/h2] [indent]He knows how to draw and cast various magic barriers and seals of various levels with his sigil chalk. These are only useful outside of combat, used as traps/prepared before combat, or in less violent situations that would require them, as it takes too much time to draw them. Some of the more powerful runes require blood as well.[/indent] [h2][color=ed1c24]Fenrir (Yes I'm counting his pet as a power)[/color][/h2] [img]http://www.knightwolfcomics.com/RPG%20Stuff/Orchenia/Drake.jpg[/img] Classification Dragon Drake Subgroup Dracolupas Size: Height: 6 feet Length: 23 feet Weight: half a ton Scales: Plated scales are as durable as steel, except for soft underbelly. Scales also can regrow over the course of 2 weeks when it sheds new scales. Bite strength: It can bend metal with teeth and jaws. Strength: Can dent an iron wall alone with a full sprint charge with its horns. A tail whip can be just as strong. Can potentially tackle down objects and/or creatures up to twice its own weight. Thick muscles are present and compact beneath its scaly hide. Speed: Can sprint up to 35 mph for over 5 hours, and can carry half of its own weight without an issue. Senses: 20/20 vision with a bio-illumination in its eyes that resemble a dim candle flame, allowing it to see in under darkness. It can smell as well as a trained bloodhound with its forked tongue. It has well enough hearing to discern its name when called, as well as the voice calling it. Firepower: It can breath jets of flames from its maw at a range of 10 meters, at 6,000 °F. Additionally like other dragons it has an undefined heat resistance, essentially unaffected by the heat of even the most extreme temperatures such as molten rock or plasma. Intelligence: Rivals that of a dog in terms of loyalty and obedience. While not sapient, it is able to recognize individuals, including its own reflection, and can solve simple problem solving skills. Fenrir is loyal to Jason, who claims he hatched Fenrir from an egg. Dragons are extremely rare if not extinct creatures, including there various species such as Fenrir. It has reached its adult size, unlikely to grow much more.