Elizabeth was enjoying the movie. Not one she would think about seeing if it were up to her, but since Nancy had brought it down, she was glad she had been given a chance to watch it. No one else was saying much, and for a good reason. Elizabeth would grab a handful of popcorn every so often, glad to have a snack past dinnertime that didn't require sneaking it around past the guards. Just then, Nancy decided to start singing one of the songs from the movie. Elizabeth stared at her for a moment, softly bobbing her head to the catchy tune until she couldn't help but laugh. "Alright, you got me!" She kicked off her shoes, then stood on the table opposite to where the laptop had been placed. Undoing her ponytail, Elizabeth started dancing as if she was in some carnival and not the break room of a secluded hospital. She didn't show any restraint aside from the making sure she didn't take a wrong step and fell off the table. The broken bones wouldn't be fun to explain to anyone currently not in the room. Once the song was over, Elizabeth took a bow with a smile. She went back to her seat to put her shoes on again, a bit of relief flowing through her that no one had walked in at the wrong moment.