[center][h2][color=red]Bruno[/color][/h2][/center] Bruno was happy that Toby now seemed to be in a conversation with someone. Assuming that the short boy really was very quiet and introverted, it was probably a good thing to talk to people to get a lot more confidence. There were people who would probably disagree strongly with Bruno (example - Dominik) but he didn't really care about that. In Bruno's opinion, those people were wrong. Talking is a lovely thing to do and people should probably do it more, as moping about a problem doesn't get it done, Bruno believed. Suddenly, the Croatian boy's train of thought was derailed when he heard someone try and speak to him. He turned to see Fiorella, the Puerto Rican girl he had noticed earlier, saying excuse me to him. She spoke in a sing-song voice with a slight hint of a latin accent. Bruno had to admit, it was pretty cute. She was asking for a small explanation of the american schooling system? Could Bruno explain it well enough? He didn't really know too much about it as he missed a large portion of it, and only knew about the schooling system he was enrolled in through reading about it online. He would try and explain it as best he could however. He responded in his own accent to her question. [color=red]"Oh, don't worry, I know how confusing starting at an American school for the first time can be. Basically, the American school system is split up into 3 parts, which is a lot different to where I come from, Croatia, where there are only 2 parts. It goes elementary school, then middle school, then high school. We're in high school, more specifically Grade 10 in high school. High school goes up to grade 12 and then it's optional education. I think so, anyway."[/color] [@Dirty Pretty Lies] [center][h2][color=red]Dominik[/color][/h2][/center] The decent tunes of Young the Giant flooded out from Dominik's earbuds as he sat drawing. He could see his brother talking to a girl and some other people. He was just ticking down the time until this horrific social time ended and they could just go off to class and just get on with the day. At least when you're sitting in Geography or History or Maths you don't have any people trying to contact you when you clearly do not want anyone to. Headphones indicated that you don't want to talk, why some people couldn't just get that was beyond Dominik. I mean, what more do you need to realise someone didn't want to talk. And there was one of those people who just didn't get it. Dominik saw the shadow of a person crouch down in front of his desk. He was about to tell the person to go away and maybe give them a piece of his mind, but as he looked up into the pretty eyes of Davina all thoughts of anger left him. He almost let out a tiny scream, it shocked him so much. She was asking if Dominik was doing anything after school. [i]Oh my God, is she asking me out?[/i] Dominik's mind raced with fear and ideas. After she finished speaking, Dominik spoke with voice that sounded a little bit fearful. [color=red]"Oh, hi Davina! I'm not really doi- I mean, I don't really have anything planned for tonight, actually. Football isn't really my favourite thing to watch."[/color] [@A Tattooed Girl]