[center][h2][color=OliveDrab]Tobit Broflovski[/color][/h2][/center][center][url=http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=211511810]outfit[/url][/center] Toby nodded soundlessly as Maria made a comment about Marco hating violence. Interesting. She was probably right; Marco didn't at all seem like the kind of person to get into fights. The Costello kids were just really affable and nice, from what Toby knew of the two twins. As for himself, Toby wasn't much of a pacifist per se, but he tended to get into a lot more unprovoked beatings than actual fair fights. There was a lot about Toby that was bullying gold. Some of it he could sort of hide, but most of it was right out in the open. Either way, he couldn't think of anything to say in response to Maria. She seemed to be trying to withdraw from the conversation anyway. He stifled a fit of coughs with the sleeve of his hoodie, nearly doubling over as he wheezed and tried to regain his breath. He recovered from the coughing spell quickly, but the lingering ache in his chest was enough for him to mentally vow to never, ever forget his inhaler again. Two silent seconds passed, then three. This was turning into yet another awkward silence and Toby frantically wracked his mind for anything he could possibly add to the conversation. Naturally, he came up with nothing, whimpering quietly in defeat. He really wasn't good at this whole socializing ordeal. He pleadingly looked to Quinten, then to Maria, hoping the two more charismatic individuals could revive the slowly dying interaction before it ended on a sour note. [@LostDestiny] [@A Tattooed Girl]