[h3][color=gray]||Dylan||[/color][/h3] [sub]Running late - Home to School - [@Chicogal][/sub] [hr] [i][b]Beep. Beep. Beep.[/b][/i] Dylan's phone alarm had been obnoxiously ringing for the last five minutes and he was just beginning to stir from his heavy sleep. Memory of the night before out late training and afterwards a few of the boys from the gym where they sparred got in his car and they went on a binge session. He'd gotten home at three in the morning, his alarm now read seven fifteen. [color=gray]"Dylan!"[/color] A high pitched roar came from the room down the hall, [color=gray]"Turn that shit off!"[/color] He kicked the covers off himself and sat up as his mother started screaming, the last thing he wanted was her coming storming down to the room and giving him a bollocking about where he was and what he was doing last night. [color=gray]"Dylan!"[/color] His name was called again, more shrill and irritated than before. [color=gray]"Yeah!"[/color] He exclaimed in return, [color=gray]"I'm up!"[/color] Swiping right ceased the incessant bleeping. Dylan turned so he was sat on the edge his bed and took a moment to wake up before getting ready. He didn't look any different than usual for the new school year, runners, blue jeans and a pullover Adidas, draw strings pulled a little tighter on the hood, made it that little bit trickier to grab if he was dragged into an altercation - hey! Better to be prepared right? It was now twenty-five past, he was already late so he figured at this point a few more minutes couldn't kill although he didn't want to slack. [color=gray]"See you later!"[/color] He called in from the front door before closing it, quietly behind him. Dylan jogged at a brisk pace down the stairwell, being nine floors up had it's perks for dropping that extra pound when it came to qualifying. Getting to his '91 Golf he popped the keys in the passenger door, opening it and dumping his bag in the seat, he hadn't bothered with text books, or note books - he could get some paper and a pen off the teacher or something. A packed lunch and his rawhide sparring gloves. He paced his way to the other side of the car, got in and started up the ignition, pulling out of the buildings outdoor car park and on the way to school. Dylan was cruising along the usual route, not really paying too much attention, his fingers rapping off the steering wheel, other hand resting casually on the gear stick as he bopped his head to a mix he'd burned onto a CD while ago and played on the car stereo. The music was at a decent volume, loud enough to shake the speakers a little but not so loud that it was obnoxiously blaring to the rest of the town. He'd been driving a little to close to the curb when he tore through a puddle, the roar of the wave warranting him glancing at the side window, it was then he saw her soaked as a result of his lack of attention. [color=gray]"Shit."[/color] Dylan hissed, coming to a stop not too far ahead of the stranger, he looked in the rear mirror and then out the windshield behind him. It was hard to assess if he'd drowned her badly but she didn't seem to impressed. [color=gray]"Well."[/color] He muttered to himself shifting to reverse and looking back over the seat, arm perched on the top of the driver seat, palm on the passenger. [color=gray]"You alright?"[/color] He asked, casually although there was regret and a sincerity to his tone, assessing the damage he pulled his bag up from the passenger seat, turning away from the girl for a second. He moved it to the back of the car, [color=gray]"You go to Delbrook?"[/color] He asked, a smile crossed his expression, tugging at the corners of his lips. [color=gray]"Hop in, I'll give you a lift."[/color] Like him, she was late enough already and it was the least he could do after having carelessly splashed her with a puddle. [hr] [h3][color=silver]||Andreas||[/color][/h3] [sub] In class - [@Oliver][/sub] [hr] [color=springgreen]"Thanks! I don't really have any plans, I was just going to hang around with my sisters. Always stuff to do, you know? Besides, I can't stay out any later than ten, so it's not like I've got a ton of options..."[/color] Andreas frowned internally, Tae seemed similar to him in some respects although he couldn't quite make out whether Tae was lonely by choice or otherwise. Still, it didn't damped the compassion any less. His own shortcomings in the behavioral department had made him rather good with reading people by their expressions and mannerisms, he was often right on the button with it. [color=silver]"Sounds like fun."[/color] Andreas replied with a hint of friendly sarcasm trying to have some banter to make light of it. He was distracted by his phone vibrating off his thigh, he checked it quickly hoping for a message from his anonymous 'handler', nothing. Just a text from the network provider finally informing him he had topped up... A week ago. Thanks, he guessed. He turned back to Tae, noticing him examining another boy close to them that he personally had never seen before, he looked young maybe some kind of genius? Andreas smirked but his expression fell back to neutral when Han addressed him again. [color=springgreen] "Good to see you too. I think this year's not going to suck as much as last year."[/color] Those words decided it, perhaps it was obvious on his face that he somewhat related to Tae on this one. [color=silver]"Up for a game of soccer... Or something?"[/color] He asked, he'd have to put aside his social awkwardness as best his brain chemistry would let him - Could it hurt? Andreas shrugged making it out not to be a big deal [color=silver]"Or some Xbox, if you like."[/color]