[center][h2][color=SpringGreen]Han Tae Min[/color][/h2][url=http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=211441882]outfit[/url][/center] [color=SpringGreen]"Soccer sounds great!"[/color] Tae Min answered excitedly. Nobody ever really invited him to do things, at least they hadn't recently. His first year at Delbrook had been a bit disappointing, to say the least. [color=SpringGreen]"Know anyone who might want to play with us? I'm not too familiar with this particular group."[/color] he gestured to the room and its inhabitants, then shrugged, grinning affably. Awaiting an answer, he idly looked around the room. The little boy next to him seemed to be having some difficulty breathing, but Tae Min decided not to ask if he was okay. Having watched him interact a bit, that probably wouldn't be a very productive decision. Tae Min ran a hand through his light pink hair, looking up at the ceiling of the room and then out at the window. The sky had darkened a bit from an overcast of clouds. Tae Min hoped that didn't mean it was about to rain, since he had to bike home and didn't live particularly close to the school. [@SmileyJaws]