[hider=Margaret Flinktistein] [hider=My Hider] [img]https://67.media.tumblr.com/ec35ce666d642058e7083adba8c8b479/tumblr_o298b57xQH1tl61voo1_500.png[/img] [/hider] Name: Margaret “Meg” Flinktistein Age: 16 Gender: Female Personality: Beneath innocent grey eyes lies a cunning, smart, and rather blunt girl. She can look at a person and size them up, wondering what weak points they would have and where. But besides that, she's a pretty okay friend, and will often want to join in on pranks on other classmates. Though she is intelligent and makes good grades, she has two things that brings her grades a bit lower than average; laziness and procrastination. She usually sleeps in class when the assignments are being handed out, and at least every teacher at her old schools would yell at her to wake up during class. Despite all the trouble she causes with sleeping in, she seems to always have her projects done and an A or B on every quiz and test. She will either be seen with friends or just reading a book, and occasionally playing with small animals by moving their arms and legs and seeing how they react; it is her way of playing with them. Rarely, you can see her experimenting on things such as electronics, animals, and possibly bombs. During certain times of the year, she will be in a bad mood and become sarcastic and mean the whole time she is interacting with people. She will sass anyone on her nerves, and seems to be a flaming ball of drama queen on that dark day. Background: Meg grew up in a fairly stable household, with a loving mother and a working father. She and her father would look at the stars and point out which planet or star it was: “Star Number 239 seems a bit dimmer than usual; it might die soon.” Her mother would try to teach her cooking and the such to prepare her for a husband, but Meg always forgot the ingredients and a smoke bomb would go off in the kitchen. This all suddenly came to an end when they got divorced. It was so sudden, so strange, so… unnatural. Even at a young age, Meg knew her parents still deeply loved each other. But why did they break up? To this very day she still wonders why. Her father began working very late and had less time to spend with her. She concocted a plan to spend time with him by reading his textbooks with him and helping him with projects. He once taught her how to make a bomb. Thinking back to it now, Meg was never suspicious as to why her father was learning about bombs or humans or such. Meg came home one day from middle school to an empty house. No trace was left of her father in that home. He had taken everything he loved and ran away from the memories of the house she stood in. Her grandmother took care of her from then on. Her grandmother, Yesda, was a strict woman, and tried shaping Meg into a fine young lady like her mother and Yesda herself. This failed when Meg learned the ways of procrastination and being lazy, which made her less and less feminine each day. Finally, Yesda gave up and sent her to Kosei, knowing all too well about her granddaughter’s Quirk. She said, and I quote, “This place will probably teach her a thing or two about being responsible and becoming a hero like her grandfather.” Quirk Info Class: Mutant Name: Supernatural Sight Info: The Quirk of seeing through objects has been passed down from her mother’s side of the family since the very beginning. Since her mother had the ability to see through electronics to find out what they were made of and how she would disable them, and her father could see very clearly miles ahead of him no matter what, the two Quirks were mixed and it came out as seeing things far ahead and seeing through objects. She usually use this to her advantage in a fight when fire or smoke is involved, and this is always great when trying to disarm an enemy or disable an electronic. Talents/Other Info: 1. Meg is good at hiding animals in her clothing to play with for later. She plays with them when she is not sleeping in class. 2. Occasionally she will build tiny robots to scare her friends and spy on her acquaintances. 3. Leaving your phone with her is unwise; she'll break it accidentally or forget it in a store or even her room, then sigh and say it's too much trouble to get now. 4. She likes video games fairly well, but doesn't play too often. She gets a ton of inspiration from games that involve robots, cool armor, and guns. She is definitely up for watching some friend of hers play. 5. She likes to draw cartoons of herself and her friends; it fills up her time and keeps her from boredom. She shows the images to her friends and makes extra cash on kids who want a story along with them. Whether the stories are true or not are up to her. [/hider]