[center][hr] [img]http://img03.deviantart.net/6059/i/2016/155/4/0/overwatch_logo_by_feeerieke-da4xuzp.png[/img] [hr][/center] [b]The year is 2085.[/b] Five years had passed since Initiation: Recall. Overwatch is finally back on the rise after a massive cataclysm threatened to shut them down for good. Between then and now, terrorist forces have been on a steady rise, with about 30+ factions having already been identified as of 2075. What was worse, the UN had by that time issued the Petras Act, deeming any Overwatch activity to be declared illegal and liable to prosecution. It was this disbandment, that lead to the rise of these terrorist organization, eventually forming into an empire of the underworld. The main leading force was that of the mysterious but deadly Talon, an organization that also fought Overwatch during it's prime, but was defeated in every encounter. Yet despite this, they still managed to survive the encounters and laid low in the final yeard of Overwatch. Now that they were out of the picture, they began to rise back in power, having gained new members, allies, and weaponry. Their goal is uncertain as of now, but power is one that can be seen based off several attempts to receive valuable objects and weaponry. Yet even after being disbanded, Overwatch wasn't dead forever. After Reaper, aka Gabriel Reyes, the former leader of the Blackwatch division in OW, tried to hack into Watchpoint: Gibraltar in an effort to gain a list of Overwatch agents. While he almost succeeded, Winston, the intelligent gorilla scientist, was able to defeat him and his forces, and save the identities of Overwatch getting into the hands of Talon. It was then when he made the decision to initiate Recall and call Overwatch out from hiding. They will continue to fight until their last breath... until peace is finally made in the world. Fast forward five years later and Overwatch has been slowly getting recognition. The UN had not heard of it's return until merely two years later. Diplomatic meetings took place as Overwatch began trying to justify itself that the world needs them and that they are the only capable force that can affectively shut down these specialized terrorists. After weeks of talking and compromising, the UN finally allowed them to be of active service... but until they've proven themselves more affectively, they will be strictly watched under the UN and them only. They will obey every order, they will go only on their specified missions, and if they fail enough times, they will be shutdown yet again. For many it was a harsh compromise at most, but alas it was either that or nothing at all. A year ago, Overwatch proved itself enough for the UN to allow them to start recruiting a limited selection of recruits to help their efforts in a separate division. This division is known as [b]Deltawatch[/b]. Unlike Blackwatch, this was a friendly and loyal division that focused on the youthful heroes between 16 and 25. It usually participates in smaller to medium-scaled missions, mostly to appeal to the new audience, while leaving the more advanced missions to Overwatch alone. Six advisors coming from Overwatch's prime are chosen to be advisors to the team, based off their specialty and skills, training the new recruits to have them eventually become the new generation of Overwatch, guardians of the Earth! Now, after one year of training, they're ready at last. Recently, a call came out for two hybrid teams of four to be formed from the 6 advisors to go on their first mission. Their squad leaders? One is commanded by Robin Davies, son of ex-Overwatch agent Darwin Davies, or Scarlet Hawk. The other is commanded by Phoebe Sarin, also kin to two ex-Overwatch agents. These two are to command their own squad of four (including themselves) being under supervision of an Overwatch advisor. Their first mission is about to be announced... [hr] [center][h2][color=ed1c24][b]Robin Davies[/b][/color][/h2] [b][h3]Overwatch Headquarters: Hallway ----> Briefing Room[/h3][/b][/center] Rushing through the glistening halls of HQ, Robin Davies hurries to get to the briefing room. It was only 9:38 in the morning, only 7 minutes till Commander Morrison, aka: Soldier 76, was to announce their first mission. Finally! After one year of rather intense training, he was going to be going on his first mission! Best of all, he even heard he was leading a team of his own! If his father was here he would be incredibly proud of him right now. Oh how Robin missed his father. Despite being away for so long, he was a good man. Always fighting for the just reasons. He was incredibly skilled in battle, especially while wielding Red-Eye, the gleaming red-n-black gunsword hybrid, the very same one he currently has grasped tightly in his right hand. It was devastating to see him getting shot down by Talon... shot down by the infamous Widowmaker, the spider-assassin who's responsible for countless of deaths over her career. But enough about his depressing past. Robin must look forward. The future in the form of Deltawatch awaits him. One day, he'll join Overwatch's ranks. One day, he will avenge his father. One day, may he become one of the greatest heroes the world has ever seen! The possibilities were~! [b][color=ed1c24]"Oof!"[/color][/b] With a grunt he accidentally crashes into a giant black pillar, making him stagger as he regains his fitting. That black pillar however, wasn't even a pillar at all. It was a black furry arm, belonging to one of Overwatch's most brilliant minds, Winston! The big ape turns around curiously, smiling at the young man as he adjusts his glasses. [b][color=A7A7A7]"Ah Robin!"[/color][/b] he says with a friendly chuckle, [b][color=A7A7A7]"Nice to see you on such a wonderful morning. Please do be careful in watching where your going though. I wouldn't want you to get hurt."[/color][/b] Robin simply grunts as he issues a slight salute. [b][color=ed1c24]"A-Ah, good morning to you too Winston."[/color][/b] he replies with a noticeable British accent, being somewhat flustered, [b][color=ed1c24]"Sorry about that mate. I'm just rushing to the briefing room. I'm finally going to embark on my first mission, leading a squad and everything!"[/color][/b] [b][color=A7A7A7]"Why that's indeed excellent news!"[/color][/b] Winston remarks with a smile, [b][color=A7A7A7]"I'm sure that your father would be proud to see the next generation of Overwatch take his first step into becoming a hero of his own and saving the world under his own footsteps!"[/color][/b] Robin simply chuckled at his grand statement, rubbing his head. [b][color=ed1c24]"Uh, yeah! Yeah of course! Thank you for the kind words. Now I do heavily apologize sir, but I need to get to the briefing room. I mustn't be late for my first meeting, you know?"[/color][/b] The gorilla simply nods at his statement. [b][color=A7A7A7]"Oh, of course."[/color][/b] he answers as he makes room, [b][color=A7A7A7]"Don't let me stop you. Make your father proud, Robin!"[/color][/b] With another friendly salute, a gleaming smile, and a wink, off goes Robin as he quickly approaches the door to the briefing room. The clocks strikes 7:40, just five minutes till the presentation. Breathing a sigh of relief, he simply finds a seat and plops down in it, awaiting both the other teammates and for Morrison to make his appearance. [hr] [center][h2][color=black][b]Reaper[/b][/color][/h2] [b][h3]Talon Headquarters: Balcony ----> Control Center[/h3][/b][/center] Upon a cold desolate mountain, Talon's forces resign in a secret underground bunker base as the blistering blizzard howls outside. A prime mission preparation was underway as various soldiers were running around preparing vehicles, checking weapons, and basically doings things at an almost last-minute pace. They all need to be ready by the time the storm clears in only 15 minutes. Time is money at this stage... literally. Overlooking the preparations from atop Hangar 03's control center balcony, the notorious Repear scans the area as his mask slowly observes each and everyone within the room. His skull-like mask is sure to bring shudders down everyone's back at a single glance, prompting any wandering eyes to quickly get back to work, or risk a possible punishment. Any delays at this point will be costly. Soon, even the shadowy figure gets tired of watching them and makes his way inside the control room. Several Talon workers were on the computers, from initializing perimeter scans, to meteorologic scans of the blizzard outside, as well as checking out the list of readying jets, they were all busy. This mission, if done successfully, will be vital in helping with Talon's cause. Yet Reaper knows that this mission will be almost certainly discovered by the heroic Overwatch, the thorn in his side. He growls internally at the thought. But at least he'll be having some highly skilled warriors coming with them as well. It's now time. He then walks behind a security guard, monitoring the cameras located around the complex. [color=black][b]"Contact the special forces."[/b][/color] Reaper announces with a slow, deep, voice, modulated by his mask as if death was behind it, [color=black][b]"They need to be here in five minutes. It's time to commence the operation."[/b][/color] [b]"Yes sir,"[/b] replies the guard unemotionally as he presses a red center button. Holding it, he announces, [b][i]"REPORT. ALL TALON SPECIAL FORCES MUST REPORT TO HANGAR CONTROL CENTER 03 IMMEDIATELY WITHIN FIVE MINUTES. REAPER WILL BRIEF YOU AT THE OPERATION AT HAND. DON'T BE LATE."[/i][/b] As soon as he finished, he lifts his finger off the button. Reaper simply turns away as he looks outside the window with his hands behind his back, as he awaits the Special Forces to enter the room.