[color=coral][center][h2]T.H.[/h2][/center][/color] [hr] [h3]Briefing Room --> An Hour before Everyone Arrived[/h3] Louis was sooooo bored. Sure, he did come around an hour earlier than everyone else because he thought others would want to show up early too...oh well. In his hour of waiting, Louis decided to do all sorts of pranks for a funny joke to entertain himself and hopefully entertain others. He loosened the bolts on random chairs so they would collapse when sat upon, there was a poster on the side of the room ready to drop and say, "Is it High Noon yet?" After setting up the two pranks, he decided to hide sneakily wait behind the door...hoping to pounce on someone. That's what he gets from boredom...after all, his watch stated not only time, but did have a feature to state his body's condition and Nano-Machines currently available...and he was in time condition. After all, jokes aside, a genius must be ready for anything...that includes pranks as well. As time passes, the tune of "All By Myself," was being hummed by Louis... [hr] [h3]An Hour Passes[/h3] The unfortunate victim was subject to Louis's tickles as he removes his gloves and his hands turn a bit red from low power Tickle Mode on so Louis doesn't waste too many Nano-Machines in doing this. He keeps on tickling Robin when the young captain came in, laughing himself as he does so. Sure, it was kinda forced and one hell of a introduction...but at least it'll be a memorable present from it! [color=coral]"Haha! Got you Caps! Try to hold it in, otherwise you'll be laughing for quite a while...then again, who could hold it in!? Let the laughs flow, don't fight it...otherwise, you may be hurling in the garbage for quite a while. And by a while...I mean a short amount of time of vicious gag reflex that may cause a sore throat."[/color]