[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#ff99ff]Jaina Sarbye[/color][/h1][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/82b0e67b37e4facdbee7bf187c827002/tumblr_mrhg7oisDW1qib2lio2_250.gif[/img][hr]Location: Ancorhead Spaceport, Bay D3[/center][hr][hr]Whether or not Jaina noticed Morgbra coming towards her, ultimately, was unclear. Her eyes were almost glazed over as she giggled, examining the results of her handiwork. She had nailed Kordath in the chest, and while her weapon had been on a lethal setting, the imperial officer wasn't dead. Not that she could have known, of course. As far as Jaina was concerned, the dead were simply just extra sleepy and extra lazy! It only took a few good kicks to get them motivated to get up, and even if that didn't work, her attention span didn't last long enough for her to investigate it. [color=ff99ff]"I'm busy, Morgbra~!"[/color] Jaina chimed in. [color=ff99ff]"No more orders. No more 'do this' and no more 'do that.' And I know that it [i]is[/i] you and I know that you think I'm [i]crazy[/i], but a fly is a fly is a fly. I was doing you a favor when I hit it with the sword, and it worked, didn't it~?"[/color] She twirled around slightly, noticing that the number of rebels standing in formation had decreased. She mentally thought back to her actions, and she determined that she hadn't shot any of them. She had only shot Kordath. Oh, what fun that had been! Before that very moment, she had missed dearly the look of surprise and shock on the faces of those she aimed her blaster at. Her other targets always had this look of great sadness, and her elaborate schemes to give them a smile on their face while they were shot ultimately failed. For instance, Jaina had proposed they get a tank of piranhas and lower the rebels into the tank. That way, when they saw the fish upside down, they could see those adorable little frowns turned upside down! Of course, no one had endorsed her plan, and they insisted that she continue to use a blaster like everyone else. The Empire could be such buzzkills sometimes, but.... But what? Jaina paused, for a moment considering why she worked for the people she did. She couldn't come up with an answer for it, but she kept her hand on the blaster, her finger on the trigger. At a whim, she might fire at another person, and if Kordath was any example, there was no telling who she might target. [color=ff99ff]"Luke Teth of Alderaan, he loves cats and wookies and credits, attended the Imperial Academy on Coruscant..."[/color] Jaina murmured, almost as if back in the trance, as she unconsciously muttered the various bits of information on her former lover that had survived the grotesque therapy techniques of the asylum and her brother.