Though her own eyes saw clear, The Wilderdeep was still a confounding realm beyond even her understanding. It’s reputation was well deserved - not that it had ever been in doubt. Soon, however, they were led to the den of the beast, and their port in the storm. “Quite,” Alexandria tossed two servings of jerky towards the beast as rightful payment for a service rendered at the halfling druidess’ request. Admittedly, what they had gained was of little value and had only served to make her more restless, but she would remain tight lipped in that regard. And so as Serah continued her dialogue with the many-eyed monster, Alexandria would begin to sate her own mortal appetite, and eat the non-meat leftovers of the rations, the tack. Her initial attempt at consuming the hard and unyielding piece of dough was rather unsuccessful, and interrupted by the sudden declaration from the tallest of their ragtag group. As she listened, Alexandria partitioned the tack into smaller pieces, and after considering the barbarian’s words, the occultist took two deep breaths before speaking: “In Aabran, and elsewhere I suspect, the failure of honeyed words [i]does[/i] oft precede a blade in the dark.” Her answer began tired and resigned, almost meandering in tone even, before picking up in pace. “But cowardice or courage, pacifism and power… All are rewarded equally in The Wilderdeep, I reckon,” she took a swig of her canteen, and closed her teeth down on the soggy hardtack. The biscuit, even after taking in water, tough to chew and unappetizing to her tongue. She added pressure until it caved under the pressure. A few more forceful chews followed before the nobless swallowed the remainder of her ration down with difficulty. “...Therefore, as The Wilderdeep appears reluctant to let us be, I suppose the proper, civilized thing to do is obvious,” Alexandria continued, swiping crumbs off her cheeks and lips, “If Death will be at the table irregardless, then we ought to be good hosts and offer It a few appetizers before the main course.” She shrugged. “And if fortune smiles on us, perhaps Its appetite will be sated.” [b]Items Used[/b] [list][*]2 Dungeon Rations[/list]