[color=F2C7CE]"Yeah, totally, I'd be mortified if something happened."[/color] Carmen replied hurriedly, distracted with trying to fish his keys out of his pocket while he jogged toward his rickshaw, at the same time trying to make sure he didn't drop Reggie. He really wasn't used to playing 'hero' like this, but if he got some appreciation for saving the son of one of the most powerful men on the planet, he was damn well going to try. Lucky for him, social grace's antithesis was quick to awaken, and Carmen stopped just long enough to set him down, urgently motioning to his rickshaw. [color=F2C7CE]"Good, welcome back to the real world, hope your dreams weren't as awkward as the real thing."[/color] The albino called, jumping into the driver's seat. With speed gained through weeks of practice, Carmen slid into place, flicked the keys into the ignition, revved the engine, and lit off a few of the special effects. A gout of flame shot from the back of the rickshaw, the undercarriage lights flared to full brightness, casting a white glow beneath the jet-black buggy, and the rear passenger doors swung open automatically. [color=F2C7CE]"I'm only gonna say this once; Get in, buckle up, and hold on tight!"[/color] Carmen shouted. He turned his attention back to the console of the rickshaw and flicked his mask back into place. After making sure the pipes for more flame had cooled and the emergency smoke screen was primed, Carmen glanced in the rear-view to make sure Maeve and Reggie had done as instructed. Once the two were properly seated, Carmen reached down and flicked the modest sound system to [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAD8jxDnVfg]max[/url], revved the finely-tuned sports bike engine between his passengers, and threw the rickshaw into drive, flooring it back towards Mohs Town. [@Raijinslayer] [@Akayaofthemoon]