[@Holy Soldier] Before I go about adding in weaponry and the skills, I would like to get these powers approved first and foremost if that's alright :) [Hider=Azrael][center] [i]"A man has many faces, and many faces this man must use."[/i] Name: Azrael Nickname: The Faceless One, Many Faced Man Age: N/A Race: Angel Height: 6'4 Weight: 170lbs Hair Color: N/A Eye Color: N/A Description: Azrael stands at a large height of sic feet, four inches and with a well defined, one hundred and seventy pound frame, usually hidden behind baggy clothes and a hoodie. This is his usual attire since he does not have a face per say. However, when he does meet the public's eye, it is easy to spot him. He looks to be in his twenties, with long white hair but with a face that is hard to decipher gender as it is closer to being androgynous. Should you cross his path on the sidewalk or wherever, if you are able to see your breath on a hot day or if you gain frost of your hot cup of coffee or cocoa, you are not to far from him. The problem that he faces daily is his icy aura that seems to follow him wherever he may go. It's not because he chooses to have this aura but because of who he is, he now must deal with this coldness daily. Visual: [hider=In the publics eyes][img]http://orig08.deviantart.net/74b2/f/2010/224/4/6/____sephiroth_____by_kaoritanaka.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=True form][img]http://orig09.deviantart.net/ca40/f/2012/228/f/9/azrael_by_one_vox-d5bdznr.jpg[/img][/hider] Personality: Seemingly endless of emotional void, Azrael in fact envies those who are mortal, able to fade into oblivion with ease. He doesn't envy them personally, but rather Azrael will never enjoy that which is eternal peace. He is kind and cruel, caring and apathetic, courageous and cowardly. Overall Azrael is as mysterious as those he tracks down, not just for The Syndicate, but for those who knock upon his door. To those who accept him, Azrael brings them ephemeral and peaceful final moments of life, opened white wings of solitude. To those who coward in fear, be warned, as he brings upon those a painful end. He has no particular view of the Syndicate, whether its their infrastructure, beliefs, or morals Background: [u]The Shunned Man:[/u] [i]There once was a man who was lonely. It was not because he was a drunkard or a thief, a murderer or a rapist, nor was he evil or corrupt. Everyone would meet this man. The young despised him, those prime of their age were fearful and the elderly welcomed him with open arms. Though he would sometimes see those who would smile at his presence, they would soon disappear as soon as they came. One day, in a fit of anger and heartbreak, had taken a blade to his body and parted himself in two. Many had thought he had passed away, some had mourned his death and others glad he was gone. But divine powers that be had plans for him. One half had moved on into the ethereal realm, the second half remained in the living world as a reminder of this man presence and what it meant to all. [/i] This is the story many know of Azrael however, this is not the true story. Weapon(s): [b]Crucible[/b]: As the angel of death, it is only natural he has a blade to match the name. He opted against the scythe as it was to cliché and useless in actual combat. While remaining in both the physical and paranormal realms, it is capable of attacking both physical and ghostly figures or creatures and inflict damage on either plane. Now should he attack a human or living creature with the Curcible while in the void, the damage done would be more internal and feel as if it actually happened. For example, if he was to stab them in the heart while in the void, it would feel like a heart attack but without the actual damage done. However, the human or creatures soul will take the actual damage and can be seen when that person or creature dies and passes on. Skills: Power(s): (1)[b]Faceless[/b]: Azrael has the ability to take on many different faces and voices, having given each one a name and alias. It is especially helpful when he goes undercover. He has given the syndicate a list of his many aliases and when using them, send the syndicate code-words or phrases specific to that alias. (2)[b]Planeswalker[/b]:This ability allows him to walk through the Void, the place between heaven and hell. With this he can travel about and across the world if necessary. The Syndicate has found this to be a very useful tool as he has become a useful agent. (3)[b]Aura of Pestilence[/b]:This is the aura that is talked about in his description, he has no control over the basic coldness of it but the effects he can. There are several things it can do but he has limitations due to his physical presence on the earth. On top of the icy chill that enters the air, anyone, human or creature, in his direct vicinity (roughly 15 feet radius) can start to feel sick or weak but just a little bit. Most would believe that they may have over exerted themselves somehow or think that they have eaten something that was expired. The longer one stays in his aura, the weaker and sicker they will become. (4)[b]Aura of Oblivion[/b]: He can, if need be, amplify Aura of Pestilence should he move into the Void when fighting an enemy. Now if the enemy is of a more paranormal nature (Ghost, wraith, etc) Aura of Oblivion then takes on a more lethal approach, as it attacks the soul of the individuals. He can focus this ability, leaving bystanders out of harms way, but the basic feeling of fatigue and sickness will still occur. [/center][/hider] So if stated correctly he could enter the void in spot A but remain in spot A, just on a different plane?