M A R C H I N G O R D E R S ; R O A D T O N U B I N A - 1 5 T H D A Y , 9 T H H O U R [hr] Drimbold had helped remove the pikes, his bulky arms and stout stamina being a valuable aid in such an endeavour. He had gritted his teeth and growled at the ghastly undead speaking earlier, and he used that anger to help him with his manual labor here now, moving things only the strongest men could with nothing but his Dwarven physique and determination. He heard calls from far off, of pursuit of those fleeing. He merely snorted, and tore another pike down that held a huge corpse still writhing. He ended its writhing with his axe. In the end, we all become corpses. M A R C H I N G O R D E R S ; R O A D T O N U B I N A - 1 9 T H D A Y , D U S K [hr] Finally. The attack had come when the manlings had been harried for days on end by endless hauntings and visions far off in the mists. It had annoyed the dour Dwarf more than frightened him. He wanted nothing more than the Undead to come closer so he could cleave with his Axe, but they saw fit to weaken the men around them with fear and doubt. A tactic they no doubt were using to great effect, but it showed they were not without their misgivings about victory. If the horde was truly terrible to fight, they would have simply rolled in and destroyed this vanguard army. Skeletons and rotting corpses shuffled and clanked their way over to the lines of the living at long last, with Ghouls being used as attack dogs and shock troops to disrupt the formation of the army and to open gaps to exploit. Not a bad strategy, but a predictable one. The Undying in their ranks with glowing, baleful eyes were the true deadly enemy, he realized. They would pay without a doubt, he promised. He had been holding the flank at the shield wall, cutting down any skeleton that came near to him. One Ghoul leaped at Drimbold with a frenzied strength, but the Dwarf struck forward with his shield and sent it skidding across the ground. He felled it with his weapon before it could rise. Just as his Axe left the beast's head, he heard the call to hold the breach at the back. Everything seemed to be held here, so he charged at the destination that needed reinforcements. As he made it to the lines, and to the surprisingly flimsy spellcasters and women that had answered the call, he did not even slow his run. Instead it became a shield rush, bashing through three shambling enemies. The first one literally exploded into bone fragments, and the other two were run over and savagely damaged by the sheer strength of the Dwarf. He found himself surrounded by corpses, and a song of Belias played on his lips as he hacked and punched and struck, back and forth and two and fro. A ghoul's claws sliced under his eye, causing a fierce bleeding. He took its head in response, and spun, his Axe leading and shattering a corpse.