Well, [@Tengri], you have a couple options. Either: A) Warbird followed Ken and Tal into the main lobby, and is now falling and you need to make some kind of a saving throw using tech or, at the very worst, her sheer athleticism to somehow save her from a forty foot fall, or; B) she didn't follow them, is still in the hallway and, well, is still falling, but only like four feet, no roll required. However, if she's still in the hallway, that does mean that she's approximately thirty five feet above and fifty feet away from the bitch in blue, and between them is a forty foot drop. If Warbird would be carrying a grappling gun, wearing jet boots, whatever, make a 2d6 plus Superior (for Mentor, and to show off). If she isn't using any kind of tech to break her fall, make a 2d6 plus Freak (Because it'd be freaky as shit if she didn't just straight up fall and die, or at least break a leg) keeping in mind your freak is currently at -1. Ken rolled a twelve on his saving Tal roll, so if Warbird did follow them into the lobby, had no tech, and you failed your roll, he would save Warbird's life by default, but there would be consequences. For everyone else, unless you are within eyesight of the balcony, in the lobby, or in the hallway, you are still following the regular rules of gravity. However, when you come into the scene, you'll still have to figure out how to get from whatever your point A is to the balcony, at least if you plan on directly engaging the bitch in blue. Ken's roll: http://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/1257 EDIT: Keep in mind everyone, there is a literal giant hole in the wall leading from the cafeteria directly into the lobby, courtesy of our friends rabbit headed freak and the bitch in blue (possibly an excellent lead for how a wolf might happen to find her way into things).