For anyone who missed it. [quote=@Shoryu Magami] I've already expressed my reasons for [b]why I don't plan on participating much here.[/b] My characters are ultimately too 'broken' to be used outside of my own setting (which is built around actually balancing them) and [b]I don't feel like wasting my time listening to people call what I post 'god-moding' just because they don't understand[/b] that the concept of overpowered or 'broken' is entirely [i]subjective[/i] to the setting. 'I work with characters on a very high tier due to the [b]depth and complexity of my project[/b]. There's nothing [i]wrong[/i] with choosing to do that, and it's not [i]wrong[/i] [b]for me to have no interest in taking part in the arena forums[/b] due to [b]feeling like I need to water myself down too much[/b].' [/quote] I don't think you had any intention on engaging with this sub-forum anyway, bud, don't let the door hit you on the way out.