[quote=@Queentze] [@Holy Soldier] sorry it took so long got hung up on some things. [hider=Zane] Name: Zane Viscardi Nickname: Sparky Age: 98 Race: Vampire Height: 6'0 Weight: 195lbs Hair Color: Dark Brown Eye Color: [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/00/93/37/009337695c4983f1ac261d74686f3039.jpg]Red[/url] Description: Zane has chestnut brown hair and his eyes are a menacing red. He was turned during his second year in college and this left him in fit, young body for the rest of his life. He has the runners build; lean with a little muscle here and there. Zane has a [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/36/79/8b/36798b80a21c42b0f9bfdc115d4550f2.jpg]flower[/url] tattoo on his back, and a [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/9b/35/f6/9b35f64efc7cc4cdffa9ed058b5f48d7.jpg]tribal turtle[/url] on his left shoulder. Zane would blend in with the average group of jocks and pretty boys at the same time. He has a hard brown line, most of the time he wears his natural "bed" hair throughout the day. One of his best features before and after he was turned would be his eyes, before he was turned they where a beautiful hazel that would flicker in the light, now they are a striking red, a deep crimson that pulls in any who looks long enough. [hider=Appearance] [img]http://www.malemodelscene.net/wp-content/gallery/112012/tyler-maher-darren-black-male-model-scene-09.jpg[/img] [/hider] Personality: Zane is a fun-loving creature, he learned the hard way to make the best of any situation. Most of the time his behavior can be seen as immature, or not right for the moment but actually he takes most things very seriously but does not show it. Zane has a way of getting under people’s skin with his smile, or the way his eyes shine, this is simply because he does not believe it is the end for him, and having an optimistic outlook on the situation makes everything better. Zane can be seen smiling even when there is no reason to, but under it all there lies a dark truth for him, the truth that he is no longer human and that he probably never will be, never the less he still strives to make the best of his situation. Background: Zane Wirghtwater was born May 5th, 1918 in Sacramento, California. He was born the year WWI ended and was raised during the roaring 20s. He was raised by a single mother in a small two bed room apartment with 3 older brothers. While his mother and brothers fed into the post war culture, whether it be the drugs, being in between someone's legs, or partying like Gatsby was alive, Zane had to make his own way early on in life. His childhood up to high school was rough. Zane learned how to make the best of a situation during this time in his life. When he went to college, Zane began to act out, whether it be parties, drugs, sex, he went all the way. What he did not know was a much older vampire was watching him, and even became friends with him. They would become best friends at the start of his second year and when mid-terms came around the vampire struck. After being turned, his new "father" told him that he was looking for a son to spend his life with. Zane was outraged, he could not understand what had happened to him and why them man was making him into a creature of the night. Zane did adjust though, he learned how to feed properly, blend in with humans, and when he finished college his father took him around the globe. For 15 years they traveled until his father disappeared while they were in Egypt. Ever since then he searched all over the Americas for him, and for the past 5 years he has been in the USA still searching for his father, Cornelius Viscardi. The Syndicate came to play in his life when he was searching for help to find the older Viscardi. He learned of them from his father and was told they formed the same years as his birth. In exchange for his services he gets information on his dads whereabouts. [color=red](Draft Dodging is a criminal offense. How did he avoid World War 2? You don't even mention it in the back story. I recommend using a much later time period.)[/color] Weapon(s): [url=http://nebula.wsimg.com/obj/QTQ0OTQ3NkQ1NUE3OTREQUIzN0I6NjFkNGI1MGY1NGY2ZjdkN2M1NGMzYjQxMTU3ZmM4Yzc6Ojo6OjA=][b]Brass knuckles[/b][/url] that are gold and have his initials in the middle. 2 [url=http://i30.tinypic.com/2zgxlac.jpg][b]9mm[/b][/url] that he had hand crafted on as a gift to his father before he disappeared. Skills: [color=red][b]Vampire Physiology[/b]: When Zane was turned he was given the traits most vampires get, enhanced senses, strength, speed and regeneration. His senses are more sensitive, for example he can hear a hummingbirds heart beat. Zane can run as fast as a car, and see 100ft away. He can heal almost any injury, and depending on what the damage gives way to how fast he heals, if its s sun light burn its going to take a while but if it's a knife cut, then just a few mins. His can lift the average SUV, and punch through concrete.[/color][color=yellow](This belongs in powers. It is not a skill.)[/color] [b]Father's Training[/b]: His father come from a time where if a man could not protect himself with his bare hands then he is not a man at all. So he had him trained to defend himself throughout all of their travels. He learned how to defend himself mostly in many different fighting styles, he only learned enough to keep him alive, but not enough to kill a man. [b]Vampire Hunter[/b]: Form all those years hunting his father, Zane has learned how to pick up on social cues of super naturals especially vampires. He learned their scent, and how they move through a crowd. [b]Undead Shooter[/b]: Zane taught him self how to shoot his 9mm, he uses his heightened senses to help locate his target and make a cleaner shot. Power(s): [color=red]You will have to get rid of one of these abilities to make room for vampire physiology. The reason why is because I am certain everyone will submit to me their own variation of a vampire. So there will be different ones.[/color] [b]Bat Swarming[/b]: Zane can disperse his body into a swarm of bats, scattering into a human size swarm of bats for a few seconds and move quickly to any spot about 10 feet form his original position. He uses it often to help get in and out of combat and also to jump around his enemies. This ability takes a toll on his energy and makes him hungrier. Think of it as a short distance bat flash step. [b]Glamour[/b]: A common vampire ability that allows Zane to influence the mind of lesser beings (aka humans). The glamour is a simple slight of hand in the mind, Zane implies enough mental influence on his target that they become compelled to do what he says for a shot amount of time. Most glamours made by Zane only last a few moments and only work for small actions. [b]Vampire Vision[/b]: Zane can not only see the blood flow of other beings, (through walls) but he also has night vision. He is unable to see other vampires due to their lack of a normal blood flow. [b]Wallcrawling[/b]: Zane can walk, run, crawl, sit, leap, dance, and move on almost any surface. He can run up walls, stand on ceilings, and bogie down mountain cliffs. [/hider] [/quote]