[color=004b80][center][h1] Darius Montgomery/The Shadow [/h1][/center][/color] [hider=My Hider] [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/destined-dynasty-warriors/images/0/0a/Rex_valentime.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140618092407[/img] [/hider] Darius, injured but alive, fought unexpectedly for an injured man. He fought calmly and with patience. He had his left hand holding his side where the arrow had pierced him, and his right hand holding one of his daggers. Jamie was there backing him up, but at the moment he wish she would dissapear. He knew that it wasnt her fault but he had been in so many fights, so many battles, and not once had he ever recieved an injury of this caliber. Darius assumed this would take some time to heal. In his mind, he could not help but think thats what he gets for not looking out for himself primarily. Darius faced countless more bandits with his blade alone, ducking and weaving around arrows being shot at him while engaging in swordplay one on one. At one point a bandit even managed to disarm him, locking blades with him then striking at his arrow wound. After that Darius had only his knives and fist to back him up. He struck the bandit who disarmed him in the throat with a quick jab, then jabbed at his gut, maneuvered around him, then reached out and wrapped an arm around the mans neck. He used all this muscle, and pulled back snapping the mans neck. Darius moved back behind Jamie and continued to fight, picking up his dagger. At one point he even placed it in his mouth and wielded the second dagger in his hand. It was an old fighting style, fighting with dagger in hand and mouth, and unless you did not have both hands it would be quite inneffective. Suddenly his attention was brought back from full battle mode to focused when the remaining bandits either ran away or dropped dead and their wounds began to heal. Darius looked down at his wound, and when he realized what was happening he yanked the arrow out, blocking a sharp muffle of sound of pain from escaping his lips. His wound started to bleed profusely, then not at all, then began to close up. Darius sat down trying to catch his breath, and collected his self. He examined himself and accounted for all his equipment. Then he turned his looking for Jamie. [@wick][@caits][@ashevelendar][@dustyoldcrow][@kyrisse][@blackpanther][@gareth][@venku][@king tai][@canaryrose][@shadow daedalus]