[@SoulEater] Yes. [@Ashevelendar] I'm sure Kyrisse has mentioned it to you, but remember that regardless of ability, I still fully expect proper communication from all players as there will always be instances where you'll need another player's permission to do [i]something[/i]. With the level of powers in play here, communication becomes [i]that much more important[/i]. Are we 9 million percent clear on this? At the end of the day, I want everyone to have fun without ruining someone else's fun. Just remember that guideline in posting and be considerate. And I think we'll have zero issues. I will judge your character after you confirm you'll comply with these expectations. [hr] To everyone: this is my official permission to manhandle, lightly puppet, poke, jab, drink blood from, and etc. Christmas. Unless you're doing something major like heavy and prolonged interaction, you're free to throw, punt, pitch, and otherwise mistreat the character as you'd like. Feel free to grab him by the collar or something and drag him around in the future for cases where you'd like to post with Christmas, but I'm out or busy and you'd really like to post already, haha.