[@ImportantNobody], I definitely appreciate the response. I... Don't know if anyone 'ere is familiar with Roleplayer's Realm, but what you described is more or less what we had there. That is, in terms of a multiverse style system focused primarily on story-driven combat. And while I am eager to jump right back into the combat scene, I personally would fall more on the side of telling an overarching story whilst in the midst of battle. I still have a lot of my material from my time at Roleplayer's Realm, including designs for a couple of factions, their planets (which was what we fought over), and a number of specific events I helped create... I would love to help in any way I possibly can. The only thing I lack is the detailed power tiers we gauged each character by - which ultimately was determined by the writer's skill at... Well, writing. Which leads me to [@Shoryu Magami]. I actually agree with you entirely. Every point made is valid... I am disappointed that you will not be a frequent sight - I would definitely be interested in working with you on something that could compliment your character(s). I may even have one that already does tucked away... Somewhere. Needless, just by what I can see here, I am very strongly reminded of the talent that surrounded me during my time at Roleplayer's Realm. Regardless, I appreciate all the help 'ere. I think the next thing is to really try and jump right in and see if someone (anyone) would be willing to have a go at showing me the relative ropes of the Arena forum. Thanks again and let me know if I can help with anything. I would be more than thrilled and happy to pour some creative energy into a new writing adventure. -Glass