[@MelonHead] [i]Right[/i], because people being incapable of understanding a concept like how only [i]match-ups[/i] are unbalanced and not [i]characters[/i], as opposed to people being unable to understand the complexity of my project, are the [i]same exact thing[/i]. I wasn't even referring to my project in that statement about people not understanding. Why don't you try actually [i]understanding[/i] my post before you start wasting my time with your ignorance? The fact that I'd have to dumb my ideas down severely to cater to lower tier battles is a separate point to the other statement about understanding, and your attempts at twisting a post that Glass clearly understood is laughable. You think quoting me makes you clever? I wouldn't post something up if I was afraid of being quoted. I'd have been quite happy to help myself to the door, if you're the quality of the people in this place, but - unlike you - Glass was respectful enough to actually say something that made it worth my time to post in here once more. I wasn't even going to bother looking at your post, or even coming back in here, until they hit me with the [ @Mention ] feature -- I'd have ignored [i]you[/i] doing that, since you've already shown me there's no point even humouring a word you say. I don't plan on looking at any follow-up post you give either for that matter. [@Glass] I appreciate you saying so, since I honestly believe this whole 'characters are broken, not the match-up' argument has been overused so much now it's painful. If people are too intimidated by a more complex battle-orientated role-play, they should get the hell over it and stick with their comfort zone. I don't recall ever trying to [i]force[/i] anyone to role-play against my characters, did I? In fact that's the whole reason why I made a point I wouldn't be competing (that and I have a fiancé, and a major story project, and half a dozen other things I can think of that're more important than role-playing). I've been making a point right from the beginning that I didn't plan to take part in the arena battles, but I was happy to assist people with information and feedback. I've been offering support and guidance for a lot of people on this site since I joined up, despite not actually doing much IC at all. Stick around and support this forum after being disrespected though? Screw that. I've got too much dignity to let people on a stupid message board think they can talk down to me. Nevertheless, I do hope this all goes well for you. I didn't mean to make your introduction to this thread be so hostile, but honestly it's my birthday and I don't feel like wasting my fucking birthday dealing with toxic people (not you, obviously).