[center][h2][color=dodgerblue]Alyssa Wells[/color][/h2] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/af52efd258a14dee47a3023c1b7ee708/tumblr_inline_mtxc0zGACH1qbik9t.gif[/img][/center] It took a moment or two for Alyssa to snap out of her reverie, the bad thoughts rebounding off the inside of her skull. She hadn't expected him to stop, but here he was, reversing toward her. Taking an awkward step to the side, she blinked as he apologised. "Oh, it's okay," she mumbled, despite it being a little bit [i]not.[/i] But what was he going to do - and in any case, this wasn't turning out to be the best of days anyway. She was wondering the same about him as he asked, and she nodded shyly, one of her hands forming a fist again at her side as she tucked a piece of hair around her ear. "O-oh? That's very kind of you..." Alyssa glanced down the rather long road, and then back to him. There was no telling if he was for real, but at this point, she decided to trust her instinct. "Thank you." For the first time in their exchange, she smiled, opening the car door. She hopped inside, and was careful not to slam the door. She glanced down at the side of her pants, where they were wet - it actually wasn't that bad - before looking back at him. "My name's Alyssa," she said quietly, pulling on her seatbelt, hoping like Hell that he wasn't going to tell this tale to all his friends. [@SmileyJaws]