[hider= Slesta goddess of dreams] Name: slesta goddess of dreams. Appearance:When in the dream realm she forms herself as a girl sitting on a moon with a harp, but when it the mortal realms she always appear as a small white bird [hider=view images] [img]https://img0.etsystatic.com/126/1/7784652/il_fullxfull.928310450_muj3.jpg [/img] [img] http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-moti4b30Pf4/T1qqqtEfy6I/AAAAAAAAGRQ/DZv93JhKJAU/w1200-h630-p-nu/Snow_petrel_pose2.jpg [/img] [/hider] Domains: Homes, Hospitals, Hotels, Motels, Realm: Dream realm (A realm that everything mentally goes to when they are asleep were she decides if she will give you “good” or “bad” dreams but sometimes on rare occurrences she will appear before them and answer one question they ask but kinda vaguely. ) Personality: drowsy always yawning constantly in a near sleep like state even after just waking up. When it comes to other gods and goddess she usually gets on their nerve for they think she doesn’t care about what they say but this is far from the truth she actually loves spending time with her brothers and sisters no mater how nasty or rude they might be Demeanor: when anything not godlike is close to this goddess the reach a state of drowsiness and will end up falling asleep if they end up staying around her. She has a sweet aroma that draws others toward her. Favored Subjects: sloths, bears, and humans. [/hider]