The guy literally said we'd be wasting his time because we don't understand what overpowered means. We, as in, everyone (unless he made poor word choice) in the arena sub-forum. He also made the wild assumption that he'd have to water himself down just to participate in the sub-forum (emphasising the generalisation, here), now, this can mean a lot of things, but whatever he's asserting is still a wild generalisation of the community as a whole, from someone who has no real basis on which to make these statements. I think, considering he hasn't actually experienced much of this Arena unless he's an alt, he's simply been hounded out of other such communities for being a god-modder. His remarks certainly suggest that much. He seems oblivious to the concept of non-interactive powers, which are widely considered broken at all power levels, irregardless of setting. In any case, I don't think any of us have lost out much if he chooses not to grace us with his presence or his characters. Seeing as how he was already on the way out before I gave him a kick. It's usually a bad idea to preface your knowledge dump with 'obviously I won't be spending much time here because I'd be wasting my time -blah blah-.' Because frankly, no one is obligated to give a shit about your feelings if you've made it clear we're not worth your time, nor do I generally take well to people who feel the need to speak to me in such a condescending manner. I don't bite so much anymore, but I'll happily respond to them in kind.