[@Lord Zee] [u]The Recruitment of Tiberius Longshadow[/u] The sun crept higher on the horizon as the morning stretched into midday. The trees were alive with song and buzzing, and wagons regularly rattled down the cobblestone road. This particular town, called Menz, was under the jurisdiction of Fantus, a vassal state of Aetherion, and as such had an army of knights protecting it. One of them was Tiberius Longshadow, one of the greatest knights in their kingdom. A messenger had just delivered a letter to him from an unknown party and awaited further instructions. Shortly thereafter, another messenger appeared. "Letter for you, sir." The letter was from the High Elf Sadron. [hider=The Letter] [i]Greetings, Sir Tiberius Longshadow Your presence is required at High Council Hill by eight in the morning tomorrow. Bring your battle gear and travel equipment. ~Sadron Aphaderuiondur[/i] [/hider]