[quote=@Xavier Bloodbayne] [@importantNobody] Hello friend! [/quote] Hey. Those are fighting words around these parts! I'll check out your battle after work. Should be an interesting one. [quote=@MelonHead] His remarks certainly suggest that much. He seems oblivious to the concept of non-interactive powers, which are widely considered broken at all power levels, irregardless of setting. [/quote] He's technically correct on this matter from a certain point of view. In my multiverse there are plenty of op people but are not op against each other. They are simply unfair to fight against for anyone who's not at their level. If someone has an attack that always hits, someone with an op dodging ability can counter him. My guy with infinite attack power can still be stopped by someone who's also op. Someone who stops time in my setting is countered and defeated. An immovable object and and unstoppable force are both op but can still fight on equal terms depending on what laws govern your setting. [quote=@Glass] [@ImportantNobody], I would like that... I'm sure I can stir something up from the depths of my creative reserves. I may go toward the lower end of strength in abilities, equipment, etc... If there is an example of a character along those lines floating around, I would be happy to take a peek! Otherwise, feel free to get something goin', and I will follow suit. I do appreciate seeing the activity in this particular area. Gives me hope overall... And I'm a generally positive outlook type of person so, don't worry 'bout anything swaying me away. I'll stay or go based on my personal experiences/interactions. -Glass [/quote] I'll find a character of mine who is lower powered on another break. I'm at work right now.