[quote=@A Tattooed Girl] For everyone waiting on me, I will get a post up as soon as I get home today! Meant to get one out last night but I passed the hell out. Had to be up at 2 AM :/ [@Oliver] I agree with [@LostDestiny]. You don't give much to go on when you are waiting on two characters but reply to the one that's been posted. If you're waiting on two separate people, please wait for both of them to post. The whole "waiting for them to respond, seconds passing by with nothing to do but stare at their faces and the floor" is a bit much, and quite unnecessary. >~< if you would be so kind, please....... [i]wait[/i] till both parties have answered you. Gives you a better opportunity for a fuller response in the long run. [/quote] Sorry! I didn't mean to be pushy or anything. There are a lot of unspoken faux pas of RPing, and I'm still really new to this.