[quote=@ImportantNobody] He's technically correct on this matter from a certain point of view. In my multiverse there are plenty of op people but are not op against each other. They are simply unfair to fight against for anyone who's not at their level. If someone has an attack that always hits, someone with an op dodging ability can counter him. My guy with infinite attack power can still be stopped by someone who's also op. Someone who stops time in my setting is countered and defeated. An immovable object and and unstoppable force are both op but can still fight on equal terms depending on what laws govern your setting. [/quote] That's because you wrote your setting. Your setting is completely irrelevant to the medium of arena roleplay, which is what this discussion is about, and what my point is centred on. Arena combat does not entail people crafting characters with hyper specific powers to combat every variety of opponent, its about compromise and working through disadvantages and out-thinking an opponent. Some abilities will always be inherently overpowered, broken in other words, for the medium of arena combat, especially in T1 Eden. If an ability completely shuts down all avenues of further action unless one happens to have an ability that directly prevents it, the ability is broken.