[center][h3][color=darkred]James Blackwall[/color][/h3][/center] Following behind the Elven ladies, James stepped into the clearing and immediately took note of the situation of the others. Evidence of battle was scattered liberally around the area, and some of the more severe wounds were still closing by themselves. He could feel the scratches and cuts doing the same across his own skin, and as he stepped closer to the centre of the camp he slid his swords back into their sheaths and began to look around the camp. Aelar approached to embrace Maren and James watched them with a small smile before he turned his head back to the camp. They seemed drawn to the two last arrivals to the group, more specifically. James stared at Vlad for several seconds, contemplating asking him what he wanted to know, before he shook his head and pushed the thought away. They'd just come out a bandit attack, they deserved a second to take it easy... or at least as easy as they could while stuck on what could very well be a suicide mission. His eyes finally focussed on the unmoving form of the youngest member of the group. Frowning and a little worried, he watched Isolde for a few moments as she didn't react before he crossed over to her with long strides. He knelt beside her as he pressed two fingers against her neck. He could still feel a pulse, but the fact her wasn't making a sound gave him cause for concern. Looking towards Elyra, he called for the nurse. [color=darkred]"Elyra! Can I have some help please?"[/color] [@Wick][@Caits][@Ashevelendar][@DustyOldCrow][@Kyrisse][@BlackPanther][@Gareth][@Venku][@King Tai][@canaryrose][@dabombjk]